It can't be about what makes the gm look good and what makes the hc look bad. It needs to be the gm and the hc having the same game plan for tomorrow,week 1, next offseason,next draft. Otherwise they are counterproductive to each other and the whole thing looks dysfunctional. We just saw it play out and it ended with both of them we really need to see it again? At some point you have to settle in and give these guys more than 2 years before turning the heat up in the chairs they sit in
Bowles obviously had a lot of respect for Harris and liked him a lot. He was the one that had to face the media right after a surprise development. Harris or no Harris Bowles has to continue the program and coach the players he has. He won't be fired based on the record, he'll be evaluated on how he has progressed as a HC by Mac and Woody. So I don't think him getting fired after this season is a given at all.
I agree with OP. Cutting ties with Mac & Bowles only makes sense if you were to fire them before this year. Judging them over a rebuilding/ talent evalutations year where they are lame ducks is silly. You have to keep both until the end of 2018 season at the very least. If no improvements are made then you bite the bullet and fire Bowles or both. This way you at least give them the chance to lay the ground work with new young talent. Firing them one year into a rebuild doesn't make sense.
I agree that ultimately Bowles has to coach those who are on the team. But say we go 2-14, even if we progress, it would be very very hard to sell fans the idea of bringing back Bowles with an overwhelmingly bad record and no playoff appearances. I would like to see improvement from Bowles, especially in game adjustments, but I also think a lot of this is strictly based on whether Hack or Petty amount to anything this season. If they do, it may very well save Bowles his job.
For starters, LOL I hate to say I told you so to those that didn't think I was making sense or thought my predictions of the releasing of Harris and Decker were not going to happen. I posted a few days ago that One of the only things that irked me was that we were not going 100 all in on this rebuild ... the development and assessment of our young players should be one of our top priorities during a rebuild .. winnin games through the use of VETS .. should not. Finally the plan is much clearer and I firmly believe we are not done making moves this offseason. Is Demario Davis a star? No, but his acquiring makes more sense now and I can't believe how few peeps posted on how his reunion wasn't a red flag for Harris. Personally, I don't see a loss in either play or lockeroom leadership if Davis steps in for Harris. I also personally think that Hodges who left without a contract last month can still be signed. I know lots of you disagree but the NFL is a business. Yes some longtime Jets and some popular Jets were let go but WTF, some peeps sound like Mac should have surprise bon voyage parties for these guys. These are not his guys and we don't know how he exactly handled the moves. Those that were let go, will get plenty of recognition and love if they return to the stadium and/or if their numbers are retired. I for one am actually 100 behind all the moves and feel like it's about time our GM was finally given the green light. Players these days have the same outlook and most would leave their current team in a heartbeat if they are not offered the money they ask for and believe they deserve. Personally I don't see anything wrong with what went down as thats how it goes in most places of business. Get over it .. it's the way of the world. About our GM's drafting. I can't count how many so called football fans even think they should be criticizing his selections so far. ITS TOO EARLY. That's it .. period. If anything, just the fact we have so many contributors so early in their careers should have peeps excited we have a GM that can scout. You guys MUST be Jets fans! Only we expect every single pick to be starters .. and if they are starters then it becomes well they are not Pro-bowlers. WTF! Let the damn kids evolve first. Shoot, if they are contributing this early, chances are on our/their side that they will become at least decent players. This season is year 3 for Macs first set of draftees .. its THIS SEASON where we can start critising or praising that set of draft picks! People need to not only eat a reality sandwich but digest it. Seriously, slow the f down people. We are finallly turning a new page .. let me rephrase that .. we are opening a new book about our Jets. Stability .. as much as Bowles has made errors. He too should be given time .. time to show he can also grow and evolve. We ALL KNOW his faults and where he needs to improve. Let him get his chance .. FFS, when these two guys came in .. this was not and is still not a place where players and coaches wanted to come. If we fired Bowles .. it would have made it an even worse; less diserable place to come coach. 1-2 years to take a gutter team, and yes gutter team, (don't let the 2015 season fool you) to the top or your done??!! Are you serious??!! Now if this team had talent, preferably young, and a good lockeroom then you can make a case, but we were the place older players came to die, a place were the old coach and GM literally filled the place with a lot of sh$t! We are frankly still cleaning up the mess equivalent to that of the Exxon spill. Tanny and Bradford had plenty of drafts and plenty of time to try and get Woody to rebuild or perhaps they were content with their plan. Regardless, how can we fire a GM, after just firing a GM, after just firing a GM?!!! That question can only be asked in a few organizations and it's sad that we are one of them. FFS, let us actually get 1 draft to properly evaluate. Let us actually see a plan through without going off to the side! We are finally changing into something different! The Jets/Woody were run like a badly maintained, bad inventory Enterprise Rent A Car for years .. you can pick a car, change the car .. bring it back and do it again, but the car is never yours. Now for once we are becoming a nice shiny dealership we're hopefully our inventory when old gets restocked without missing a beat. It takes time to get to that .. and you can't keep firing managers .. you need to give it time. For once, we need to Let them learn from their mistakes, but they need to learn and deserve to learn on THEIR team. If Bowles doesn't show improve this year .. then a case can be made for his firing and if he is fired ... we need to conduct a strong search and then give that new coach, at least just as much time as Bowles was given. As for Mack, its way too early as he has IMO, way more positives then negatives at this point. Yes he's made some questionable contract moves but that was not his strong suit, and money is one of the more flexible aspects of a GM's job, as they can be creative and correct their mistakes. So far, it looks like things are falling into place as money is going to be freed up next year. The timing is not coincidence .. there was a plan .. Young players evolving, younger players being acquired and coming of age. When was the last freaking time we had all of this at once??!! NYJFOREVER I agree with this: The 2017 Jets should be judged on three categories. 1. How competitive is the team? Forget wins and losses. How good is this team playing on Sunday? 2. Do our young players show growth? 3. Does Todd Bowles show growth as a head coach on and off the field? Now for the icing on the cake. IF and I say IF .. Petty or Hackenberg show they can be the guy .. this Jets team will be on the fast track to being really competitive! A top 3 selection can demand a kings ransom. Worse case scenario .. again look at the timing .. this was planned. Why take Linemen or QB's in a bad draft for both and when we are trying to solve the issue from within waayyy cheaper! Enter 2018 .. quite possibly it will be one of the better drafts for QB's period and it will be better for Linemen. We will then actually have better odds on our side that the QB we select will not be a bust. That QB will then have young receivers WITH experience. I love when you match young with young on offense and let them grow together as I think the chemistry can not only be exciting but special. Family scenario special. To end my long rant .. it's very refreshing to finally see 100 all in on this rebuild. I am a firm believer that at a certain point .. vets steal very precious reps and snaps from up and coming players. Not only did I think that Was the case but it was happening at a very crucial time - a time where we have so many players that have something to play for .. their jobs. Now the prizes are much more handsome! Now the FO has backed up the plan! Open competition really means open competition.. working hard WILL PAY OFF! The younger players now own this team .. this is their team! They will have more pride, they will care more, they will feel like Jets. I said before Mac is taking Bowles vets away .. no more with that best chance to win with vets BS!!! Bowles just like his young hungry players should finally feel this is HIS team, no excuses. His ability as a coach, will be the deciding factor. IF Bowles personally made the changes to his staff, then I feel he is on the right track. As the reasons given and the type of coaches brought in coincide with some of his and the teams weaknesses. If he self evaluated himself and does take more time to make sure the offensive wheels are also turning .. then perhaps he is evolving in the way Rex never did. A coach that oversees ALL aspects of the team. A coach that rolls with current trends and the football times. If he can match an exciting offense with GOOD defense then we can be scary. All I personally want is for Bowles to show he's learning from his mistakes and corrects issues like clock management and the like. If Bowles does not show growth then I want him on the first plane out of town! The last thing I want is to waste time with a lame duck. Just as the vets were let go so that the new players can flourish .. Bowles will need to be let go so the next coach can come in early enough to mold these players into what his vision may be. And unlike the past .. this Jets team will be way more attractive to coach.
I've been saying this for a while whenever I'm asked about the Jets QB situation. Best case scenario is that Hackenberg shows something this year and the Jets just don't win games. You trade that top 5 pick for 3 first rounders and the Jets have accelerated their rebuild by a couple years. Praying for this scenario.
Exactly .. I would prefer Hackenberg as I like how the story would unfold but I think Petty also has a chance and it provides the same outcome. We get the picks and would most likely take a QB in the later rounds. After the recent moves made, I think the chances of McCown starting just went down to 25% after it being 50%. The starting of McCown would not only be a slap in the face but would greatly reduce the value of Pettenberg in any trade scenario. It would also be IMO, a shot to their confidence.
I don't see McCown starting at all. It would be a complete waste of 3-5 games. Better off giving that experience to Hackenberg.
I'll give you that.. The FS have mishandled our long term vets for seemingly no reason in some cases.
A regime doesn't get to go 0-16,1-15, or 2-14 in their third in NY and call the shots in the following season. If the Jets truly are as bad as they look to be next season, Bowles will almost certainly be gone and I'd anticipate to see Mac gone as well. The idea of "tanking" a season greats in theory, but when that result lends to a media frenzy and empty stadium, the positive vibs around it seem to have quite the knack for changing.
Technically what happened the last 2 seasons / or how many seasons they were here prior have nothing to do with this year's record. Fans wanted Fitz back, fans wanted one more run with Fitztragic. After constant meddling by Woody having them sign Revis and such, this FO and CS finally has the OK to mold the team in their eyes. This is year 1, clean slate.
Operative word: Technically. As I said, there will be positive vibes right now. However, all anyone will see come December is 2-14 and 7 consecutive seasons without a postseason appearance. Bowles will have had 2 horrific, disastrous losing seasons on his resume, likely with poor QB play. Mac I question if he will be gone. Bowles? I'm almost certain he'll be relieved his duties immediately after the season ends.
I won't care about the team record, nor should anyone else really. For once, this season isn't just about winning, it's about setting up the foundation, who is worthy of staying? Who needs to get out? I want to see how our young players are doing. Both Mac and Bowles will have 2 horrific, disastrous losing seasons. This year, Bowles needs to improve his game managing, preparation and player development. That's it. If he improves on those aspects, he will return as the HC.
I agree. The one exception to that would be if Lee doesn't develop, if Maye is a flop and if Woody is unhappy with the way Mac has treated the veterans (Mangold, Brick, Harris and Decker).
I agree concerning the timing of rebuilds. Where I differ is Mac and Bowles getting "AT LEAST two more years." IMO Bowles has done a poor enough job that there was plenty of reason to fire him after this past season. IMO he has to earn the right to keep his job with his own improvement and the team's improvement this coming season. I don't know what all you include in "competitive". If it includes the team being prepared to play each and every week, playing smart, playing hard, being tough, being disciplined, playing as a team, not beating itself with stupid penalties and sloppy play, and young players developing and contributing significantly, then OK, I agree with that too. If not, I would add those things. I also agree that Bowles has to show improvement/growth in making in-game adjustments, game management and clock management.
I totally disagree. Why do they have to be kept through the end of the 2018 season regardless of how they and the team perform this year? IMO that's what is silly. Nothing will be gained if Bowles doesn't show major improvement this season in his game management, clock management, in-game adjustments, getting the team prepared to play each week, and instilling a sense of discipline. It would be wasting a year and perhaps many of these young players if Bowles continues to look inept and the team continues to look unprepared and play in a sloppy, haphazard manner. Similarly, if Mac's top draft picks don't develop and contribute at a high level this season, why should he stay? If he handles veterans in a poor manner, and if he misses on his top draft picks most of the time, what good is he? We already have enough bad evidence regarding Bowles and Mac. IMO giving them another season after this one if they don't show major improvement, is not being patient, but rather stupid. If Bowles can't show major improvement this season, he likely never will. He will have had 3 years to learn and grow on the job, and so far hasn't demonstrated that he's capable of it. Mac has mishandled enough veteran situations and enough of his top picks have failed to contribute in a big manner, that his future with the team should be in doubt. Because it can take several years for players to develop and for one to be able to truly judge a draft, perhaps Mac should get another year if we see some signs from his draft picks that haven't contributed much to date, but unless Bowles and the team show major improvement from last season, I don't see one valid reason for keeping him around.