Man, I just downloaded updated rosters for the PS2 via max drive for MVP 2005 (even had the 2006 stats too ^__^) It was like getting a brand new game, still beats 2k7, can't comment on the show though........ I was dissappointed that 2k7 was this bad, they were supposed to get one of the designers from EA this year to help build the game, obviously that worked out great...... </sarcasm>
Do u mean the ps2 or 360 version of 2k7? The 360 version has all the quirks and bells and whistles. The PS2 and xbox version is just an updated version of last year
i heard the next gen versions were still rather glitchy and kinda arcadey. I have a PS3 and i need to decide on one of the two.
IMO it has some issues but it improved so much over that crapfest known as 2k6. Presentation is first class, and the signature styles really do add a lot to the game. I would give it about an 8 rating. All you need is a set of good sliders and some issues are solved. Next year, this game will be phenomenal b/c they can actually implement new gameplay instead of makeup for bug and issues in past games. And honestly, no attention was spent to currnet gen 2k7. They all bat and pitch the same way for gods sake
I'll take a little bit back of what I said about The Show PS2. I exchanged my old copy and got a new one and the lagging problem is a little big better. However, it is still very frustrating when playing games. One thing I have to say about this game is the Road to the Show mode is amazing. It is a lot of fun to play and is quick. By saying that I mean that you don't have to wait all game for your at bat or a ground ball to come your way. It fast forwards right to that moment. I was able to play a full spring training in about 2 hours over a few days. Although fielding isn't that much fun hitting is. Thankfully I am the DH for the AAA Devil Rays so I don't even need to play the field.