anyone think that players will be taking pictures and/or signing autographs? i certainly hope they are but want to be fairly sure before i go there walking around with a football in my hands lol
I would imagine they would let them come over after the practice is done. Guess you would have to crowd the front row though.
sounds good to me. shit i'll trample over 50 bastard little kids if i have to. i want some autographs.
How long does minicamp run? Cause Id have to drive 3 hours to it, and would be pissed if it only ran for an hour and a half. But its 2 days before my birthday so this may be my gift to myself.
Not sure if they're out of tickets yet, but if anyone wants 4 I have extras. Got them by mistake. Just PM me.
What are the seat numbers on your tickets (top right)? I know it's GA so they don't matter, but I'm wondering about how many tickets have been claimed so far...
I was wondering how many people would do that by "mistake". lol I'll be sick if people try and sell these on ebay.
I'm taking my 5 y.o. with me. I got 2 extra's cause I realized the other people I thought would come can't. Ordered her a new Jersey for the occasion too.
i'm not. theres no demand and as it seems, an endless supply, not worth the hassle. just saying the thought did cross my mind. we're in a recession, remember that. cant knock the hustle
It was a "mistake". A friend of mine ordered them at almost the same time as I did. The offer I made wasn't for a fee. :up:
I just saw a stray dog outside run by with 4 tickets to this minicamp stuck underneath his collar. In Texas.