Mike White not cleared… Zach will start the Lions game

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Brook!, Dec 16, 2022.

  1. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Not in this offense
  2. JackBower

    JackBower Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2008
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    It's a team sport
  3. Since1969

    Since1969 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2018
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    Just a few random thoughts:

    1. In the current NFL climate, there would have been hell to pay if the Jets let him play even if White found some quack to clear him. Suppose he suffered a serious injury. The NFLPA would howl. We'd soon be hearing about a new NFL Rib Injury Protocol, and there'd be rib-injury spotters on the sidelines. Sometimes, a team has to protect a player, itself and the league from himself.

    2. Maybe the most mystifying thing is how the Jets let White back into the game. He went into the locker room, so you have to assume the team doctors took X-rays. Did those X-rays not show the break, or did the team let him play despite the break?

    3. I feel badly for both White and Wilson. This was White's best chance to show he's a bona-fide NFL starter (with the Jets or elsewhere). Now, getting hurt last year and this year, he may get tagged with the injury-prone label. For Wilson, there's no way he "reset" in three weeks, so he may be getting thrown back into the fire before he's ready.
    #283 Since1969, Dec 17, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2022
  4. IDFjet

    IDFjet Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2014
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    I get your gambling-related hypothesis but I think its more likely that the punishments meted out to doctors for okaying a player who then gets hurt worse ala Tua, put them in a position whereby they can't take any chances.
    ouchy likes this.
  5. nevbeats319

    nevbeats319 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2007
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    The way this team handles injuries is awful. Day to days turn into weeks and when players are carted off they come back
    Since1969 and Stevied like this.
  6. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Zach made plays in won of those wins. Won the Pitt game and brought the team back in Pitt and Buffalo.

    His escapability was a big factor in all of those wins that is discounted here.

    He would have thrown for well over 200 against the Bills but we did not to. MW had similar stats but had to throw in the 4th.

    Zach has not been pretty but he has been clutch at times. Ironically when he threw for over 300 we lost.

    We are remembering that 2nd NE game where hopes were high that we would finally win and Zach did not play bad he was atrocious yet we were still in the game. I think we win the game if goes into OT or we do not rush to the line to put us behind the chains. There is no way to sugar coat that performance though.

    We have seen MW struggle early in games with poor play calling by MLF. The difference is we were behind and had to start flinging it and MW was up to the challenge in the two losses but it was to late and we still lost.

    Now Zach and MLF need to step up come out and punch Detroit in the mouth early. Get the lead and take the air out of the football.
    IIMeanDeanII likes this.
  7. RevisIsland18

    RevisIsland18 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Saleh, mlf and zw need to come out aggressive and score a td to get crowd behind zw.

    start fast and punch lions in the mouth! Looking at your Quincy and cj
  8. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    I don’t think it’s some sort of conspiracy theory to think that they’d rather hold Mike White out when he can probably play but he’s pretty hurt, to get Wilson some work at home against a somewhat soft defense.
    IIMeanDeanII and BrooklynJetsFan like this.
  9. Stevied

    Stevied Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    This is it! Hopefully this is ZW’s Willie Beamon 2nd half of the playoff game moment!
  10. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Yes I'm sure they gave some good medication, but now 10/10 Doctor's won't allow him to play, yet he got cleared during the game. Makes you wonder if the team Doctors are really protecting the players. For example Miami's Tua, he had gotten the clearance to play, but took a hit and looked like he died on the field.
    Is it that the in Game Doctors didn't have all the info on the injury (MRI, x-ray)?
  11. Since1969

    Since1969 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2018
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    What would be the point of taking in-game X-rays if the on-the-scene team doctors aren't immediately given the results? Someone had to decide if White was medically fit to go back into the game.

    It does present an interesting conflict-of-interest question: To whom do team doctors owe the greater loyalty: to the team that hires and pays them or to the players whom they treat?
  12. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Very well said. Couldn’t agree more.Let me add
    1- NFL player safety is on top the NFL agenda. It would be irresponsible for the CS to overrule the doctors decision and force him to play with cracked ribs. That is insanely stupid as a punctured lung could cause White irreparable damage. Quoting Dan Pastorini and his fly jacket back in the 70s as a way to play is idiotic. Sure, people were also playing with concussions all the time back then, how did that work?
    2- The subplot that JD forced the move to highlight Zack is just as insane. Both JD and RS know damned well that White gives us the best chance to win, period. And the number one measure of their success is how well the team does and making the playoffs, not trying to resurrect Zack in the middle of a playoff run. White has been endorsed from the owners on down.
    3- I feel this is the worst possible move for both White and Wilson and most of all the NYJ. It’s a no win for either. It’s most unfortunate. We can only hope Zack plays well enough to preserve a victory, but White injury history and Zack lack of growth will both be magnified next year in the QB selection.
    4- I’m beginning to wonder what kind of misinformation is coming out of this team and the coaching staff, why was he allowed to come back in the game, why wasn’t it known that he had cracked ribs, why wasn’t it pointed out after he came out of the hospital. Why does it seem that day to day injuries turn overnight into season ending with this medical staff.
    Since1969 likes this.
  13. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    You’ve been pretty off the deep end with your opinions on our quarterback situation that it’s hard to take any of your takes on the matter seriously.
  14. burf

    burf Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2003
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    As far as Jets 'fans,' the troubling thing for me, is how many call themselves Jets fans, & seem to be routing for Zach to fail.
    What troubles me tomorrow, isn't Zach, it's whether MLF will be aggressive, or in 'I'm a genius-mode.'
    As for the Lions game as a whole, the thing that troubles me, is not Zach, but Q may not play, or may be limited. Can the D pressure Goff, without blitzing, if Q isn't Q. or isn't on the field?
    As for Zach, this is the biggest game of his life, on a big stage, & everyone will be watching & expecting him to fail.
    We'll see if he's in his head, or in the game pretty quickly. We'll see if he's a competitor, or a spoiled kid.
    And it's a huge game for the FO. Will they be smiling, or have to go back to the drawing/drafting board?
    Lastly, it's a big game for the Team as a whole. If they're truly going to be a playoff-worthy team, they need to take care of business, & win. Playing hard & tough isn't gonna cut it... they must win.
    Br4d likes this.
  15. IDFjet

    IDFjet Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2014
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    Geez--who was it that was saying earlier in the season that if we didn't like ZW we weren't true jet fans? I think this line of argument fails because only an insane sociopath would become a member of this community and act like a NYJ fan for the sole purpose of shitting on everyone's parade.
    IIMeanDeanII, Jets79 and Section 336 like this.
  16. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    If you do not buy into the #2 overall kool aid, you are rooting for him to fail.
    No we are Jets fans and we will always root for the Jets to win and their players to succeed.
    The fact is that except for his draft status there has been little or nothing to indicate that Zach can be a successful NFL QB. Even in his non terrible performances he has been wildly inaccurate , even the majority of his completions the ball placement is not in the right place. I have never seen a pro QB miss as many easy completions.
  17. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    It not a conspiracy theory. Its simply the Jets FO's way of communicating an injury decision in a way never seen before.

    There acting like the league wont clear White to play. If we want to rest and heal White, even though he is insisting on playing, that makes perfect sense. Get him healthier for the last few games, or whatever, to help him heal. But we are acting like the decision is out of our hands - which isn't true. Why don't we just say that despite what he wants, they feel he needs rest and heal, instead of sloughing it off on doctors.

    People forget that Tua had this exact same injury week 2 last season. The phins knew he had fractured ribs and tested him all week to see if he could go. On friday they decided he is a developing QB who needs all the help he can get to succeed, and should rest until he is ready to play his best. But they never said, "the doctors wouldn't clear him". This is something that is entirely new this week. In the last decade we've seen multiple QBs play with broken ribs.

    It could very well be a newly forming league rule? But nothing has been announced. IMO, the highlight of the hit made to many news reels and that is why the league may be interjecting into our business. Everyone saw it and went, "Whoa, big hit". In reality, if the injury would have happened at the bottom of a scrum that wasn't highlight worthy, things would be different. It would simply be a coaches decision.

    The notion that it could be life threatening is a little overboard as well. In this way, any hit to the ribs could be life threatening. I remember Brees got his lung punctured by a broken rib, but that was all in one hit. This is why a flak jacket is used. To disperse the force on a hit to prevent further injury. Herbert currently has fractured rib cartilage, which is what stabilizes the ribs and helps hold them in place. That would be just as dangerous in a big hit because they are not stabilized as solidly. When a rib breaks its still held in place by the cartilage.

    Again, this may all come down to the highlight of the hit and the leagues careful reaction? The new NFL.

    With all that said, we have to remember what Mike White is losing.

    He is in a contract year, and playing very well. He was earning himself a very healthy contract next season, that would go up with each good game. While were trying to protect White from injury, were also harming his future to provide for his family. The guy just became a father to twins last summer. This benching can literally end up costing him several million dollars that he might need when football is over, which could be anytime in this league. He worked long and hard to get here, finally started earning the big payday all players dream about, and now it could be slipping away.

    The darker conspiracies are suggesting we want to hold White out a few games to make him cheaper to resign next year. That would be as bad as any corporate tactic, and I don't believe it. But the fact remains that we are in an unusual situation and our FO isn't clarifying it. They are simply saying, "Cant - doctors". You can't blame people for wondering at the unusual circumstances, just like you can't blame those that beleive everything they hear from an authority figure. Its best to have both types weighing in. At the end of the day there is a lot of money at stake for all parties, and honesty doesn't usually thrive in that arena.

    Personally I'm okay if they think White needs more time to recover. But if this is a league health excuse then they cant just go back to "its day to day". If they are selling the genuine chance at life threatening injury, then they cant just say the ribs are less cracked, so its safe now. They will have to hold White out for weeks. Where do you draw the line?

    Meh, whatever. I guess it will all be clarified down the road. We can certainly win this game with Zach. He is not as good as some of his proponents claim, and not as bad as some of his detractors claim. He is certainly good enough to win this game at home. Also, hot tip, if you have a fantasy WR playing Detroit - you start him no matter who the QB is.
    #297 ouchy, Dec 17, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2022
    Pepsiguy5 and IDFjet like this.
  18. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    If you feel that way, then you should believe the Jets can still win these 4 games in spite of Zach. That is what I mean.

    No, you don't. I never said he has been living up to his #2 overall status. He clearly has not. He is good enough to win games though, in my opinion.
    He wasn't the reason they won 5 games, but he also wasn't the reason they lost those games. He deserves credit. Similar to the 2 Patriots losses, where he clearly deserved blame and has gotten a lot of it.
    Great points. I agree with all of that. Especially the chemistry part. I am still not sure why that is. Very odd. Definitely undeniable though.
    IIMeanDeanII likes this.
  19. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I think it's a conspiracy that Zach bangs MILFs and LaFleur's initials are MLF.. And also sometimes confusing.
  20. Jets79

    Jets79 Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    this is a bad take

    no one is ROOTING for him to fail

    we are all Jets fans and we all want to win

    just because we can see that he’s been a fucking horrible QB with worst in the league stats to back up the eye test doesn’t mean we are happy about it…just means we can all see he sucks

    I was so bummed to hear this news that White is out because I fear that Zach and his 50% completion rate and throwing balls in the dirt or miles over receivers heads means I doubt we make the playoffs now…

    I agree his escapability is a plus as long as he doesn’t run backwards for 15 yards then throw the ball up for grabs, but I think with him there is way more bad than good…and let’s face it, if he was on another team we’d all be looking at him and saying he’s a bust and thank god we didn’t draft him

    it is what it is…I have very little confidence in him becoming our guy, but that doesn’t mean I root for him to fail…I would LOVE for him to light it up, win a few games and then eat crow and say I was wrong on him….that would be a GREAT outcome because it would mean we are winning

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