Love Westy. I was just looking at the article on about Ben Kotwica who is being groomed by Westy to possibly takeover as STs coach some day.. New York Jets coach Ben Kotwica talks about his time as an Army Commander before he joined the Jets. Here's that Westy interview about the kickoff rule changes.
Has a special teams coach ever been inducted into the hall of fame? Im guessing no, but think about how many games were won in the past 10 years because of a late Special teams play. Whether it was a KR, PR, Blocked Punt, FG. Its all because of Westhoff. He must have personally won us atleast 20 games in the past 10 years easy.
Jets are lucky to have Westhoff. He's an outstanding ST coach and just a badass on and off the football field. <-- Westhoff quotes from Episode 3 on Hard Knocks.
Westy has a great design on ST. I don't think its a stretch to believe he's the best ST coach ever. He puts his players in a position to make plays like nobody else in the NFL. Think of how many KR find success here, and move on, then we just throw somebody back there, and kick ass like no other. Westy is a gigantic reason we have found the success we have this decade.
It will be a sad day when he leaves and there is absolutely nobody in the league who could take his place.
Missed this thread when it aired originally. Count me in. Westhoff's last day as a Jets coach will be a sad day.
If you cancel out the QB fumbles and the INTs, which were costly for both teams, the difference maker last night was that blocked kick. Great call, and an incredible individual effort by McKnight.