It'll be a honeymoon in Philly until he has a bad game and the retards down there try to lynch him like they did McNabb for years. Those clowns could have had Peyton Manning behind center and they would complain.
I'm aware of all that, my puzzlement was why was Reid so definitive on Kolb starting this week AFTER Sunday's game, then changed a day and a half later? Did he bow to internal or external pressure? I mean he could have said after the game he'd wait a day, maybe see how Kolb's feeling to give him a PR out then decide but no - he says he's starting Kolb on Sunday evening then yesterday Vick's starting.
It's been long enough for him now that he's kind of an underdog (pun intended) and I know that I'm at least ready to root for the return of the Mike Vick revolution. When he's playing well he's just so fun to watch.