I'm not sure how it works exactly but I know they obtain national syndication and then they are broadcast across the country on various radio stations. I think even though the radio stations have common names they are each actually operated locally. So in NYC Limbaugh is on ABC... but other stations elsewhere.
It's not just Cowherd. Many people have said the Bills are the 2nd best team in the AFCE and will be the Pats major competition this year.
many people for years said the Texans would be a playoff team, it took them until their 4th or 5th try to get in. Many people said the Pats would beat the Gianst the last 2 SBs Many peiople said the Giants were donw before last season started who cares what many people say? The Bills still have Ryan Fitz at QB and Chan Gailey as their HC.
Colin Cowherd is not a sports analyst, and is probably the least knowledgeable employee of ESPN (and that includes Skip). The guy only talks in opinionated absolutes (Eli is the best road QB in the NFL, only rich kids are on swim teams... Yes he really said that), and straw-man arguments (Golic believes Eli isn't a HOFer yet, hence he hates Eli). Also, the guy has multiple radio advertisements in which he takes shots at the Jets and constantly talks in high regard about the Brady and Belichick... It's obvious where his loyalty is. Of course I have no proof of this, and it wouldn't surprise me if it's true and Cowherd doesn't realize, but I do believe that his over exaggerated opinions of Eli's career is partly because of his hatred for the Jets. He talks in high regard about pretty much every player/team/coach that would be considered a Jet rival.
we are one season removed from back-to-back Championship game seasons and all of a sudden the team isn't good or worthy of attention? just f'ing stupid. the history of the NFL is littered with teams having down seasons in between successful ones. one average season doesn't indicate that the team isn't good.
The Jets are a journalists wet dream... they WANT the Jets to fail... with all the personalities and charisma and intrigue surrounding the Jets this is a golden opportunity for news organizations to make money selling dirt to haters. Haters want to read about failure, not success.
I'll believe the Bills are for real when they win a game of importance after the first week of November. Until then, just call me Thomas (doubting to you)
Yep. The Bills start off hot, it's hard to take a team seriously until they do it once. It is completely unfair to think like that, but its how we think.
we fucked them up the past 2 seasons, not just swept. and now mario williams is the cornerstone of their defense? good luck with all of that.
Fuck what Cowturd and Mike Golic Bread have to say. There gonna eat there gay words come play off time.
I don't care for Cowherd's opinion on the team's chances this season, but both the Jets and ESPN deserve shit talking for this non-sense this past week. It's not even been quality coverage or analysis; it's been pot-stirring and shameless Tebow obsession, with a small spattering of Jaworski offering the most half-ass analysis he's ever done of distanced footage. It's embarrassing, honestly, for almost everyone involved.
Nobody in their right mind is gonna pick the Jets to win their division with the Patriots being as dominant as they have for the past decade. The Bills picked up Mario Williams so they are the trendy up and coming team. Come season opener the Jets are gonna rip the Bills a new Butttthole! I see the Jets being very very angry and motivated and serious and they mean business this season. The Jets are the trendy non pick this season which I love. All of us Jet fans follow this team and we all kind of know they let thing slip last season and they are'nt gonna let that happen again. We know. I expect this Jet team to be a major contender this year. I kinda just feel it will be a major bounce back year. I guess we will see.
yeah the coverage is a little ridiculous. Especially when the top headline on ESPN was "Sanchez and Tebow struggle in training camp". I mean its fucking practice, really who gives a fuck. Shit like that really pisses me off. I thought I would love the constant Jets coverage, but now Im really starting to get seriously annoyed with it. Im really sick and tired of hearing everybodys opinions on the Jets. Especially since most opinions are negative towards the Jets. I think the Jets are the new team that everybody loves to hate. Which would be a good thing if we can actually win a SB..