truth be told, aside from that soon to be joke of a homerun display, the ballpark is gonna be pretty sick. The glass panels have a view of the miami Downtown/brickell skyline, there's a swimming pool (rentable by groups per game), and the backstop is gonna actually be a huge dual panel aquarium
While that... thing in centerfield is beyond putrid, I'm in the minority.. I like the uniforms. Not the logo... but the jerseys. The ballpark looks incredible. I'm going to be in Miami when they open up for exhibition games vs. the Yankees. I'm going to try and go.
Oh it's true all right
Red Grooms, a pretty well known artist for the past 30-40 years or so, was the one who designed it. i guess at 74 he's getting a bit senile. or maybe just the fact he's lived in New York so long made him intentionally make it terrible lol
Just like to point out, the home-run atrocity is being paid for by tax revenue. ....
Looks like a nice park. I hope they make the seats look nice,they will be showing a lot on tv,miami fans suck at supporting their teams.
Well this is a team that I absolutely love to hate, and they just made it easier with the "move" to Miami, and the new look.