Since it's not my money I'm not all that concerned about it, at least they're not giving that type of money to a Barry Zito type. I gotta say though I'd feel alot more comfortable if they were getting the best everyday player rather then pitcher for those kind of numbers, but you've gotta take what's available.
I dont got zee money to buy a jersey. I meant one of those $25 tshirts. Which I did get, here:
Welcome to NY Johan! What better way to get past that horrible football season that just ended than by introducing Johan Santana as a NY Met. Baseball is back & thank god for that..
Santana Contract Not What Was Reported
Actually, that's exactly what Newsday reported three days ago.
It is interesting that a poster can openly admit to purposely annoying people and get away with it if he is a Yankess fan. But a Mets fan doing it - no. We can't have it.