And the alternative is let the Owner buy the tickets and the swag. Let the owner fill seats in the stadium. I'm sure Mr. Mackey would be happy to oblige. He's the Owner and as such is entitled to do whatever the fuck he wants.... So can the fans.. We have entertainment choices, he has a multimillion dollar investment to protect. Who has the most to lose thru arrogance?
Don, I'm not happy the team sucks, I'm actually angry that the team that I root for is terrible. I'm angry because the owner is contributing to the downfall of the team that I have been supporting for 40 years. He pays people to make good decisions for the team and when they do, he overrides their decisions. It's his team and he has every right, but if he expects to have continued fan support, he would be smart to listen to the people he pays to run the team.
Would not be surprised. Revis issue right now is motivation. He's a bit older, not feeling great (old bones don't heal quite as fast), and he's very rich. If he moves back to NE, he could feel a 're-birth' and play lites out. All I know is it won't happen cut his ass right on the field.
Why let him attempt a re-birth with the Pats with only a few games to go? Fuck him, sit his ass on the bench and drop him after the season. BB has a long long history of cutting guys a year early rather than a year late. Revis could make for a nice pick up late this season for BB but he's not signing Mevi$ next year if the Jets cut him after the season is over.