I can't wait to see all the entries. There are some great photoshop guys here. ILPhinFan88 - I hear your stuff is top notch...
While I appreciate the confidence, you haven't seen a lot of these Finheaven guys. They are CRAZY good.
Sorry guys been busy all weekend I'll probobly make mine tonight some time Im afraid If I do something dolphins related here it might not get the votes it should deserve because were on a jets forum so I may have to stay away from that
Good Deal then...sorry only have a couple posts may seem like a moron noob whatever you want to call me but im a regular at finheaven and a finfan (over 11k posts...been a member 2 years) GM invited me over here to join you guys on the photoshop comp so I figured I needed some practice so I joined... BTW my entry is complete
I'm curious to see how many of the jet fans did non-Jet sigs. It's great that there are Pat and Dolphin fans in the competition, but I'd have to think 10 different Vilma sigs would get boring after a while.
I'm gonna start on mine tomorrow...I'm having issues with what player to do. Gotta remember where I am.
I totally agree with that statement. That being said, I've witnessed it on Finheaven when people from other boards do non-Dolphin related images and they usually lose because of bias unless the design is VERY stellar. I'm not doing any player from the AFC East or the Colts...should be a little bit safe that way.
Good point, I already sent my in and while its not a Jet fan I was smart enough to figure that a Jason Taylor or Tom Brady one wouldn't win a whole lot of support.
I'll probably send mine in tonight. I finished it the day the stuff was announced, but its just been sitting there without me making any changes.