Marshawn Lynch...Where's the Outrage?

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Greenday4537, Aug 13, 2017.

  1. forevercursed

    forevercursed Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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    That type of kumbaya stuff would be laughed off. C'mon this is the NFL not Woodstock.

    If the protests continue and grow, the owners will feel the financial repercussions of an alienated and disgusted hardcore fanbase.
    matt robinson 17 likes this.
  2. TonyFtLaud

    TonyFtLaud Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2016
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    Never said it was Woodstock.
    The league has to do something. A sign of unity could be the solution.
    The players will continue to protest and I understand why and believe their reason is just. A " kumbaya" show of unity would end the protest, give the players a sense that the league and owners support them.
    Sadly this nation only unites in times of tragedy. Only the ignorant , racist or divisionist would laugh off a show of solidarity between players of all races, owners and the league.
  3. forevercursed

    forevercursed Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Most don't believe the reason is just. If they did they would be more sympathetic to the protests.

    The owners have no obligation to support the players in this stance either. They also may not believe in the cause themselves (some may). The owners here are terrified because the main source of revenue for the league is getting very angry. This will cause the owners to make less money, and in turn player salaries will go down. They cannot win this war of attrition with their die hard fans.
  4. TonyFtLaud

    TonyFtLaud Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2016
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    I disagree. I believe most feel their protest are just. The issue most have has not been with the issue they are protesting but the fact that they are protesting during the anthem.
    True that the owners have no obligation to support the players, being educated men, I'd be willing to bet they know that the reason behind the demonstration is just. Even if they don't care about the reality of what is happening across the country on a daily basis, if they are "Terrified" as you claim, it would be in their best interest to find a solution to the demonstration would it not?
  5. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Your not getting what I am trying to tell you. Police killing African Americans is not the biggest problem facing the African Community. I suggest you educate yourself on Booker T. Washington who suggested entrepreneurship and self reliance was the road to prosperity. Basically don't count on the government or someone else to lead you to prosperity. Booker T. was no dummy and was a well educated and considered one of the most intellectual man of his time. He advised many Presidents, pretty impressive for an African American at this time in history, wouldn't you say?

    Yes I am aware that African Americans are imprisoned for drug related crimes at a much higher rate, I have heard about 56 times more! But when a drug addict commits a crime due to their drug habit, are you suggesting no jail time? When someone is dealing large amounts of drugs, guns, and gang banging should we look the other way? Still I would rather see my tax dollars go to helping drug addicts break their addiction than going to jail as much as possible. If it makes you feel any better, drug addiction and over doses among whites has increased more in recent years than any other group. I guess this shows that this problem is color blind.

    I would like to see minority groups prosper more in this country, but I probably differ than you on how to go about solving this problem. The cops may not be perfect, but if minority communities continue to distrust and not cooperate with law enforcement, how on earth will you ever get rid of the street gangs that run minority communities and make it a living hell?

    When Trump became President, there was this meeting with Jim Brown. I did have a small amount of hope it would lead to something productive especially when the idea of providing breaks for businesses in minority communities and starting seed money for minority entrepreneurs was mentioned. But it looks like this was nothing more than a politician promising to do something to help minority communities for political points. Otherwise the media isn't telling us whether this is really happening. Common sense tells me its not happening.
  6. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Why because I am not a defender of liberals? So only liberals know the answer just like your not really black if your a Republican? It is a liberal cover up, the Democratic social liberal establishment has been conning minorities for years. Just like the Conservative Right wing Republican establishment is full of crap also.

    You can't compare the racism African Americans suffered many years ago with what is going on today. To do so is insulting to past African Americans. The fact you use the term subconscious racism is just another example how the term racism is used too freely. Calling someone a racist without just cause is wrong and just because someone has an opposing view doesn't make them a racist. The term racist has been cheapened and overused.

    As to what Black people need, the answer is not that complex. They need to have neighborhoods that are not gang infested and are safe to live. They need good schools for their kids to go to. They need economic opportunities to make a decent wage. Last but not least, the color of their skin should not matter. What I just said should be no different for any one else, whatever color they are!

    Yes there still is racism unfortunately and you don't have to be black to be a victim of it. But there comes a time, when one needs to stop dwelling on racism, and do what is necessary to prosper. This is the message of Booker T Washington I am advocating. Basically don't use racism as a crutch or you will never succeed.
  7. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    I don't care if your black, white, or any other color; your still a disrespectful jerk to interrupt the national anthem.
    matt robinson 17 likes this.
  8. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Tony do the players even know at this point what they are protesting? Most of these jocks are not the brightest light bulbs.

    If I see the same behavior continue with my Pats, I will give up my season tickets! Heck this may force me to only have an alliance to the Jets only, this assumes the Jets don't do this behavior also. Otherwise I will regrettably become a stupid soccer fan to appease my son.
  9. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    No because your answer is nonsensical and ignorant. Keep that garbage to yourself. Thw fact that you think some of the thing you think shows how little you know. Because all black live in gang infested neighborhoods right? Gtfo of here with your nonsense

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  10. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    I know who Booker T Washington is. Perhaps you should educate yourself on the points I mentioned above.

    I'm not reading this trash. You fail to realize the full reason as to why people are protesting. You also fail to see the true issue this country is having. Quit complaining about players protesting the anthem and look at the real issues this country is having. Deep down I think you have an issue and you want to deflect that on the people protesting.
  11. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    I guess using MLK as their prop got old and needed to switch to a new black legend to sound relevant.
  12. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    To pretend there isn't a discrepancy im treatment of black offenders and white offenders is just ignorant. You need look no further than NJ who's federal government involvement just ended 2 years ago for racial profiling, which was proven true. So the proof is there. I dont think black people need a lecture from any race on what they need. Lets start with equal treatment across the board. Yes i am aware of white people who are unjustly treates by the police, Im not going to pretend it doesnt happen. But if you wouldnt pull a white man over in a benz because you assumed he earned it, then dont pull over a black man in a benz whos dressed the same way. Thats the equality im talking about, not ignoring crime.

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  13. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Oh yeah absolutely the inequalities are out there for everyone to see. The Patriot is trying to deflect blame. Clearly he thinks these BLM groups and NFL protestors are the cause of the country's issue. People can say whatever shit they want, but there is no proof of violence in these groups. They aren't violent, they aren't fighting for just Black people, they are fighting for everyone that has been part of injustices and for the acts in Charlottesville. Then he tries to use Booker T Washington as an example for minorities as if he knew what he would do in today's time. It's so ignorant. It's the same ploy people use when they say, "oh how Martin Luther King Jr would react in today's age?" blah blah blah.
    westiedog1 and zace like this.
  14. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Instead of proving my argument is wrong you get into attacking my character just because I have a difference of opinion. You go into name calling and suggesting I am a racist.

    1.) If anyone has any political argument to make, it doesn't belong in an NFL game and one should not interrupt the national anthem especially to do so. I have tried to make this point clear to you but you go on like I am some kind of racist. So I guess the millions of folks out there that agree with me are racist also?

    2.) Police brutality and the mistreatment of blacks by law enforcement is not the most important problem facing the black community. Any reasonable person can see this, why can't you? Lets suppose this was never a problem again, are you suggesting everything would be just fine? Can't you see this is a diversion by the leftist establishment to ignore the real difficult issues like poverty, crime, addiction and health? This is just like the conservatives who use the hot button issue of abortion to ignore the real problems facing our country.

    3.) Your dismissal of black leaders like Booker T or MLK is sad and represents the common philosophies of millennials who think they know it all and have no respect for the past. This may explain why challenged by an alternative view you resort to name calling which ironically makes you the intolerant one.

    4.) Racism has affected African Americans in a horrific manner and I am not disputing this. The actions of the Neo Nazi White Supremacist in Charlottesville not only involves racism towards blacks, but it also includes Gays, Immigrants, Jews and Catholics. But you can't go around accusing anyone who differs in opinion from you as being a Neo Nazi White Supremacist. Otherwise you truly belittle the term racist.

    5.) I don't have a problem if you don't agree with me, I never said I was God. But I do have a problem with name calling or suggesting what I have to say is trash. I am challenging you to prove me wrong, and is it to much to ask to do so with common courtesy? Are you willing to listen to an opposing view or am I wasting my time because your a know it all?
  15. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    You still trying to tell me what the most important problem facing minorities are? You still don't know why these protests happen. I never called you any names, I just called your POV ignorant. I never said YOU were ignorant, but if the shoe fits ...

    Perhaps, you should attend one of these rallies maybe you'll get a different perspective.
  16. TonyFtLaud

    TonyFtLaud Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2016
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    I think you may have answered your own question.
    Why are they not the brightest of bulbs?
    Most are minorities come from impoverished areas , broken homes. Education that was available was poor at best. Athletics was their ticket out.
    Most have experienced the police brutality, unfair enforcement of laws.
    No one should be in fear for their life when pulled over by the police, especially not in this country.
    A white man is pulled over, he thinks, shit, was I speeding,am I going to get points on my license?
    Not , am I ever going to see my family again, am I going to die. That's a very sad reality .
    I think most of the players have experienced racial profiling. They have experienced racism and are aware of what's going on in their communities.
    While we have not had any Jets players protest yet, I think it's just a matter of time before we do. There have been some protest in soccer too.
    I know the national team has told players they would face sanctions if they protest since but they have not said what the sanctions would be.
    While I don't like the fact that they are protesting during the anthem , I believe it is their right to do so.
    We can't pick and choose what rights we want to uphold and for whom those rights apply. After all, those fundamental rights are what America is founded on.
    I think everyone can agree, in favor of the protest or opposed , they are getting their message heard and people are talking about it.
  17. Greenday4537

    Greenday4537 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    No one has interrupted it so far. What are you talking about?

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