Excellent for my Fins! Revis couldn't cover Ted Ginn last year so I am not worried about him covering Marshall. I think this is a very exciting time for the rivalry. You have two teams which are obviously standing toe to toe trying to match talent for talent. The big losers? Patriots and Bills.
This move is huge. I hope Marshall gets caught up in the whole South Beach thing and somehow gets suspended. This doesn't bode well. This team has a lot of weapons now. I'm sure Dolphins fans think they are winning the Super Bowl this year.
That's only the half of it... http://twitter.com/Adam_Schefter/status/12169725426 That's a lot of dollars for two players. I think I like Tanny's moves better. :up:
I honestly expect Parcells/Ireland to trade down from 12, acquring another pick in the top 70. And who gives a fuck about running back? It's the most interchangable posistion in the league. You could get a pro bowl running back in the 4th round nowadays. I'm not worried about that "impending hole". Not to mention, it's not a given Ronnie Brown won't be extended if he proves his worth this year. I'm only worried about the defense. Our most pressing needs are a full safety and a linebacker. We need that ball hawk center fielder. We also need another Outside backer to go with the young guys we have like Cam Wake, Charlie Anderson, and Quentin Moses. Though I'm not as worried at linebacker as I am at full safety.
Why the acronym for FINS? Why F.I.N.S.? What does it stand for? Forever I love Nut Sauce? Faggots Into Nasty Sex? Fuck, I Need Schlong?
Holy crap the comedy on these boards has been fantastic lately. That being said, love how all the phins fans come here looking for justification or salutations over the dolphins getting marshall.
Don't be delusional. You're referring to one play where he expected help over the top. Other than that, Ginn didn't exist outside of kick returns when the Jets plays the Dolphins.
Full safety? If I were a team that relies so heavily on a niche running offense, I'd probably be a bit more concerned about the running back position. It's awfully easy to say "who gives a fuck" about a running back when you have a pair of former first rounders at the position. It's not like you've had to try to develop a 4th rounder yet. And how is NT not a pressing need for you?
Delusional. He got beat deep on a double move, it happens, even to the best in the game. In the grand scheme of things one play doesn't mean a whole lot. Ginn is a nobody, and Revis has shut down better WR/QB combos than Marshall and Henne. The Dolphins are still firmly in the rear view mirror.
Marshall highest paid WR ever...People don't realize that the fins had the highest payroll in 2009 along with the giants....Thats a fact....
and cromartie will shut down ginn and revis will shut down marshall because he fairs well against tall WR,Ask Vinny jackson...
I love Marshall the player, but the trouble he has gotten himself into is scary, and his reaction to it is even more scary. Here's a piece aired on ESPN's OTL : h t t p://www .youtube.com/watch?v=Q4A756xTC0s It isn't like he's been rehabilitated, either, he's still denying most of it, and actually got into an argument on the air with Bob Ley when they were doing a follow-up of the story. I remember watching this live and being completely in shock at how he was completely unrepentent: h t t p://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=4219131 I mean, I can't believe how ignorant he thinks everyone is. It's completely crazy. MAKE SURE TO WATCH THAT SECOND LINK IF YOU WANT TO GET AN IDEA OF HOW SCARY A PROPOSITION THIS GUY IS OFF THE FIELD. Just fix the spacing in the web addresses to see them.
Have no idea why i said "Full". :lol: Free Safety. And Nose tackle is a question mark. But paul soliai made strides last year...
Awfully confident about getting a good running back in the 4th, huh? It happens, but I wouldn't bet a J-Lo Dolphins jersey on it.