Sanchez 2011 stats 6 TD 4 INT 886 YRDS 63.1% Completion 90.9 QB Rating 2 Wins Freeman 2011 stats 2 TD 4 INT 682 YRDS 67.9% Completion 76.1 QB rating 2 Wins Fantasy Points Sanchez 62.84 Freeman 44.58 Go stat people. I still think Sanchez is better.
i understand, I didn't take it that way towards me but I wanted to clarify my remarks. too many people donot understand how to evaluate QBs, they just use stats and while that is a big part it's about more than the raw #s. I'd rather hav mark have a lower comp % but make the big throws like last year than this year w/ a higher comp % and not making the big throws. The idea of total QBR is a good one but seeing how it is applied it is a complete joke.
I like the idea of the QBR but it's effectiveness has been disappointing. It's great for placing a value on an incredible game or a terrible game for a QB... aka from 0-10 or from 90-100. Everything in between seems off. Sanchez QBR took a big hit because of the sacks criteria they use. Normally I would understand this, but Sanchez should have had a positive increase in regard to this with the number of sacks he's avoided. Instead the QBR just sees that he's been sacked so they attribute a big negative. His Sack and Rush EPA (however the hell this is calculated) are roughly -4 per game and -2, respectively. For a qb with his mobility and ability to avoid the sack/scramble for yardage... this is retarded.
I lost faith in the stat when McNabbs QBR destroyed Sanchez in week 1 while McNabb completed like 8 passes for 37 yards and no touchdowns compared to Mark's 2 td, 330+ yd performance. You can break it down all you want, but something like that just makes ZERO sense to me.
1. Freeman 2. Sanchez 3. Stafford My issue with Stafford is the ability to stay healthy. Freeman has the potential to be great.
Through 2 years I'd go: 1. sanchez 2. Freeman 3. Stafford this year so far: 1. Stafford 2. Freeman 3. sanchez all 3 are good and provided they stay healthy should be good for many years to come.
Why would you put Freeman ahead of Sanchez based on this year? Freeman has looked very vulnerable this season and he actually has a functional defense and offensive line. My ranking is easy: 1. Sanchez because he's the only one of the three that has produced when it matters at the end of the season and he's produced well then. 2. Stafford because he's produced well when he is healthy. 3. Freeman, who's still a great prospect along with the other two but plays in one of the lowest pressure environments in the NFL. Literally and figuratively. Freeman plays 8 games a year in Tampa's humid weather and another 3 in warm weather/domes in his division. Stafford plays 8 games a year in the home dome and another in Minnesota's dome. Sanchez plays 3 or 4 cold weather games a year at home and another 2 in New England and Buffalo. They're not playing in the same conditions at all. Let's see what happens when January rolls around and Stafford and Freeman have to play important games in weather.
Take Stafford out of the equation. How would you rank them if Freeman played on the Jets and Sanchez played on the Lions? My guess is that Freeman would have produced for the Jets.
How could Freeman have produced for the Jets better than Sanchez so far? Would he be lining up at linebacker against the Steelers in 2010 to stop them from steamrolling us in the first half? Would he have lined up at cornerback against the Colts in 2009 to stop Manning from going nuts on us and winning the game? Anybody who thinks those games would have gone any differently given who we were facing and the weaknesses we presented on the day isn't paying close attention to what actually happened.
Take away Stafford's injury issues, I think he's #1 without question. Im more intertested in winning, and Sanchez has proven he's a winner. I'll take him #1 anyday for that reason alone. But if we're looking at production, then as of this season and moving forward, I'd go... 1) Stafford 2) Sanchez 3) Freeman I think all 3 have the ability to be great, and Sanchez could eventually be the bottom-dweller of this group. But that may not necessarily be a bad thing given I think they all can be successful.
Freeman has shown thus far that he is much better against the "easy" teams than the playoff type teams. He's played better teams so far this year and he hasnt looked great at all. Id say, and unbiasedly. 1. Sanchez- he has made the playoffs and has shown he can be clutch, that in it self is rare in QBs and once this offense gets intune he will look impressive. 2. Stafford- he hasnt been healthy but when he is a GREAT QB. He would be #1 if he could stay healthy, of course having Calvin Johnson helps your passing game as well. 3. Freeman- against sub par teams he is very good and plays well but he has yet to prove he can beat great teams, if he can do that and make the playoffs he can jump to #2.
How are we supposed to know the answer to this?.... Freeman has never played in a cold weather game in his NFL career, and played a weakass schedule last year. Sanchez is the opposite.
Why? B/c he has executed well in crunch time while Mark hasn't yet. For me that trumps the #s. Again, that is through 3 games, a lot can chnage btw now and the end of the year. They play in different conditions but they are all expected to produce. That doesn't mean great #s, that means wins. Can Freeman play when he is expected to win? can he play in big games? He's never really played a big game in his career, that's my ONLY question w/ him.
I disagree. If you think that Freeman (who's not a franchise QB), Manning, Brady, Brees, Rivers, Rodgers or another franchise QB wouldn't have produced more wins over the same seasons I think you're wrong. If you're right then Sanchez should be mentioned as a franchise QB and one of the best to have played. While I like Sanchez, he's not there yet. He's got a ways to go.
One thing you have to realize is that some of those QBs struggle in big games especially in January so while we may have seen more reg season wins we have no idea if we see more postseason wins. Give me a guy w/ lesser numbers who isn't afraid of the big stage over a great #s guy who melts in big games any day.