Wow, execute that proceedure on the ol' kielbasa (ouch!) and you've got yourself an au natural French tickler. : )
I will concede that Oregon's offense does put Mariota in a more favorable position in terms of TD/INT ratio. But as you said I couldn't ignore that impact Oregon's offense has on Mariota's numbers, you also can't discredit them entirely just because he runs a spread. 38/2 TD/INT ratio is phenomenal, regardless of the system. I will answer your question about whether it's Mariota's talent or the system by saying it is a combination of the two. Mariota, as you pointed out as well, has an extremely high football IQ and is a very good passer, and that's not even mentioning his athletic ability. Oregon is not concerned with getting Mariota to the pros, they're concerned with winning games, just like FSU. Both have also had great success with their offenses, just look at their records under each QB. Also, everything you said about Jameis towards the end(comebacks, playing for the title, etc.) can be said about Mariota, with the exception of being undefeated. Except Mariota has put in his best season since being named the starter in Eugene. I also don't think Jameis' off-field issues are a HUGE deal. They are a little troubling just because there are so many, but I agree that most(if not all) can be attributed to immaturity. I'm glad that we've been able to discuss this rationally instead of slinging mud at one another, and I feel like we just have a slightly different opinion on who the Jets should draft. We agree that they must draft one of these guys though.