They have stated they aren't moving both picks,but I could see them moving the #23 pick for our #13 with maybe a 3rd involved. We get #9,#23 they get #13,#25 Plus a 3rd.
And why is that the case ? You think a 1st(#23) and a 2nd will happen. Only in fantasy land. That's asking to much.
Both picks is to much for the 13th. Normal value would be: 13th (1,150) = 23 (760) +52 (380) +102 (92) =1132 But this year the 13th pick is not worth as much as normal. Everyone wants out of the top 20 picks as its a very weak top half of the draft but a deep in rounds 2-4. It is a buyers market. Given the market this year,the Vikings 23rd and their 2nd pick the 52nd is likely more than enough for our 13th.
It's what the scale is.. Look at what the Skins gave up to move up two future 1st rd picks plus a 2nd to move up 4 spots. The Vikings would have to give up this year 1st next years 1st and probably this years 2nd to trade up 10 spots.
Exactly it's a #23 Pick and a 2nd is what your getting at but I don't see them giving it up. That's why I figured a 3rd but 13 for 23,25 is really out of the question.
It's weak unless there is somebody you want and then all the old rules apply. By that I mean if you want to move down you won't get as much as usual but if you want to move up it will cost what it always does.