Mangini getting my lowest grade of all rookies

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Jets41815162342, Sep 2, 2006.

  1. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Posters with numbers....

    If you don't get it ask the chat room guys or 51PA.....
  2. Run_N_gun10

    Run_N_gun10 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2005
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    12:45 pm:beer:
  3. ScotlandJet

    ScotlandJet New Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    I agree. Good post. Come back in a few weeks when the real action has started.
  4. Raytimes2

    Raytimes2 New Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Great post.

    I just love the idiot fans who copy the same media banter about how Mangini "has no right" to do anything.

    NO, quite the contrary you morons, he is the head coach of the New York Jets, and he has EVERY RIGHT TO DO WHATEVER THE HELL HE WANTS TO DO, and since what he is doing, he's learned from some of the best coaches to ever walk the sidelines of an NFL team, who the hell are the dorks in the media, and especially you couch potato arm-chair quarterbacks to question him for it?

    The LAST thing Mangini should do is do something and then change it. He has come in with a plan, and everything you read about the guy is that he is extemely smart, extremely innovative, structured, and does nothing without a purpose.

    I just hope you doom and gloom clowns out there aren't expecting a big year in his first year, and are willing to let the guy grow as a new head coach.

    As long as this team is playing hard, disciplined, and quality football, leaving nothing on the field, and the coaches are bringing good game plans and adjusting well on Sundays with good coaching adjustments, then we should let this new regime settle in and give them a complete chance to turn our team around.

    What a dumb and pathetic thread, it is Jet fans like the author of this thread that embarrass the rest of us who have a clue about the game.
  5. Jets41815162342

    Jets41815162342 New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    How can you tell, its only the preseason

    How can you tell, its only been one game

    How can you tell its only been six games

    Guess what the preseasons over and its time to start forming opinions of this new staff. Too bad if you don't like it. I have mine you have yours, so be it.

    So if preseason means nothing, why sell tickets, why watch it, why have it? It is used for evaluation of the current talent. Players are cut, depth charts are created and systems are installed DURING THE PRESEASON.

    We all can pretty much agree that this is a REBUILDING year (God, another buzz word). If by rebuilding year you mean a team that has been mismanaged from owner on down for years and couldn't put together a real staff or attract good players by throwing 10s of millions of dollars out the door.

    Am I gonna give Mangini a chance, what F*&%ing choice do I have? I root for the uniform just like the rest of you. I absolutely hated Neil O Donnell and Ken OBrien, but just like the rest of you loyal bastards I went out there and prayed on every play that they would take us to the promised land.

    I didn't have high expectations coming into camp. Rebuilding year remember. But I've been hearing alot of rhetoric out of this new administration.

    I got caught up in all the anti-herm, lets have a guy like Bill bandwagon crap myself. Everyone wants to believe their next girlfriend is much better than the last.

    I have regained my sanity. Who cares about how the coach handles the media. If he's a good coach does it really matter? Why is this guy getting points for not communicating with the media. Its rediculous. It only has the potential to be a distraction. No I'm not the media and I dont really care one way or the other, but why is everyone so happy about it? Oh yeah, so we can all laugh at the discomfort of the beat writers, i mean really, who cares?

    I can't show you any preseason comparison statitstics to make my case and even if I did they could surely be used against my argument, but from what I saw on the field for the last four weeks, this team is not being well prepared for the season. The QB play has been for the most part lousy. The running back situation is muddled at best, and yes I blame the staff for the c-mart running back debacle.

    Vanilla. I like vanilla but there's Hagen Daz Vanilla and then there's Turkey Hill Vanilla. The Jets preseason was more like shop rite vanilla.
  6. Kris 15

    Kris 15 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    That's because our offense is Shop Rite vanilla.


    Where are the playmakers? These guys are all has-been's, could-be's and never-will-be's. Coles hasn't been a playmaker since 2003. McCareins hasn't worked out. Askew and Blaylock are average at best. Baker and Cotchery are two guys we just keep waiting on. Maybe they'll break out, who knows? We have no established threats on offense. What can you really expect? The front office focused on the defense and the O-line this offseason because that's all they could do in one offseason. If you couldn't tell, just about every area of the team needed an overhaul when they got here. You can't fix all of it in one year. If they drafted a RB, how much could we have expected him to contribute, where as D'Brick and Mangold will be full-time starters for us this year. It seems that because we were contenders as recently as 2004, everybody expects them to just pick up where they left off. That's just not the case and those of you expecting that should brace yourselves.
  7. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    #16 Brad Smith:wink:
  8. Kris 15

    Kris 15 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    :up: Again, we can hope, but as a whole we don't really have anyone who's established. Just a lot of potential. The very characteristic you look for in a "rebuilding" team.
  9. Jets41815162342

    Jets41815162342 New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Talent vs Mangini Guy

    Bill Parcells throughout his career had a number of colorful characters on his teams. Some were coaches dreams and others were off the field nightmares. This administration may be getting too hung up on this Mangini guy type notion. I agree we need more talent, more game breaking ability. Building a team of your favorite kind of guys is nice in theory, but give me a few LT's with coke problems and 4-5 pro bowls in the mix. These guys dont have to go to dinner everynight. Let the coach earn his money.
  10. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Well kudos to you as you get what 99% of this board miss.
  11. Al Dorow

    Al Dorow Banned

    Oct 21, 2004
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    This thread is about YOUR oppinion that Mangini gets the lowest grade???????? YOUR oppinion???? Who the hell are you? Who gives a rats ass what YOUR oppinion is? If you want to mention in ANOTHER thread how you feel, fine. But don't start a NEW thread about this crap. Who cares?
  12. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Could we actually wait for 5-6 regular season games to be played before we get all whiney and bitchy? Honestly. In a rebuilding year, you were expecting what again? :rolleyes:
  13. dabrowsk1

    dabrowsk1 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    People have been asking that for years. Many players, coaches, fans, think the preseason is too long. The preseason serves 3 purposes 1) Game time practice, 2) Film to use during practice, 3) sort out the depth chart. All of which could be accomplished with 2 preseason games or a couple of scrimmages. Why sell tickets? Because, do you realize how much money the owners make during the preseason? Since they don't pay the players regular game salaries, but still charge the ticketholder the same price as a regular season game, the profit margin for the owners is disgusting. It is all about the green.

    He gets points for it, because for the past 5 years we had Herm and Bradway telling the media every detail of what was going on. Other teams didn't even need scouts they just needed to watch the press conferences. As for the handling of the media. I care about the beat writers feeling a little discomfort. I am sick of the self-righteous, self-important morons with an over inflatted sense ego that feel they are owed something.

    Mangini is handling the media how he was taught to. Belicheck almost completely ignores the media, he did so even before he won a SB. Parcells does the same thing. While he doesn't ignore them, he is completely hostile and confrontational. Which when you get down to it, has the same affect.

    Then you shouldn't have made this thread. You can't make statements like it being irresponible not starting Chad the fourth game, and when confronted, not be able to back up your statements with fact or statistics. If you can't back up you opinion, then it is useless, pointless, and ineffective.

    Philadelphia only won 2 preseason games as well, are they not prepared for the season? TO in Dallas only played in 3 series the entire preseason, are they not prepared? To make these kinds of assertaions after only just 4 preseason games is ridiculous and foolish.
    #53 dabrowsk1, Sep 3, 2006
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2006
  14. statjeff22

    statjeff22 2008 Green Guy "Most Knowledgeable" Award Winner

    Jun 4, 2005
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    So basically, what you're saying is that you have no evidence that Mangini's tactics with the press have had any effect, have no evidence that the Jets have been poorly prepared, and certainly have no evidence that Mangini has done worse than all of the other first-year coaches in preseason. Further, you find the preseason performance very disappointing, even though you recognize that this is very much a rebuilding year, and the team actually went 2-2.

    Got it! :up:
  15. Buttle

    Buttle New Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    Randy Lange put out in a new article below quite critical of Mangini. Going by the theory where there is smoke there is most likely a fire I am beginning to become more and more concerned that if the Jets get off to a bad start Mangini might become another Al Groh. What is suprising are the number of articles expressing concern that the players simply hate and don't respect Mangini. Normally there is quite a long honeymoon period for a new coach with the press. Whiel ist not suprising the press doesn't like Mangini with way he has treated them with direspt it is suprpising that they have turned on him so fast. The immediacy of the bad press really makes one think that things must be some serious issues happening with the Jets and Mangini. I hope things are not as bad as they appear. When things go bad they often spiral out of control. I lived through bad 70's and 90's Jets football and I don't want to go back. Regardless of what is happening there certainly is the potential here for things to blow up and go very bad very quick. We could really use a good result against the Titans.

    Anyway here is the article.

    Sunday, September 3, 2006


    With a week to go until they kick things off against the Tennessee Titans, the Jets no doubt are Eric Mangini's team, for better or worse.

    Some aren't so sure which.

    The young new sheriff came to town with a well-formed plan for how to build a winning NFL operation, which included a tough training camp, a multitude of rules and a template for what he wanted from his players – all of which have left some veterans in foul moods as the new season approaches.

    "Any coach, you're going to respect," said one player who requested anonymity. "He's your head coach. He was brought here for a reason. You've got to respect him. But certain things aren't necessary to gain that respect. It's not necessary to punish people."

    "If the Jets start out slow, it's going to get ugly," said a person familiar with players on the roster. "The word is they don't like playing for this guy."

    The "punishment" referred to two specific areas. One is the once-around-the-field "penalty laps" Mangini mandated for infractions such as false starts, botched snaps and blown timeouts. The laps have continued even though camp is over and practices are closed to the public.

    In that same classification was some of the work required of injured players at practices, especially at the Giants Stadium open scrimmage before almost 6,000 fans in the early-August heat. While the rest of the team practiced, the injured players ran up and down the stadium steps, an exercise some described as "demeaning."

    Then there are the Mangini rules, and the fines for violating those rules. Players can be docked for missing media sessions but also for talking with reporters "after hours." Being deemed critical of teammates or coaches carries fines that have prompted several players to decline to answer even positive questions about teammates.

    "There's a lot of stuff. A lot of stuff," the player said. "I try to be positive, but after a while it's like, 'OK, I get it.' ''

    In general, many players have commented about the grinding nature of training camp. Even though there were only six two-a-day sessions, practices averaged 2 hours, 23 minutes and left those players with dead legs.

    Wide receiver Laveranues Coles hasn't been directly critical of his coach, but last week he described camp as "brutal."

    "Mentally and physically, I'm just a little tired right now," Coles said last week. "I don't think we can work any harder than we've worked."

    To all charges, Mangini, in so many words, pleads guilty. He said his regulations were inspired from coaching under Bill Parcells as a Jets defensive assistant from 1997-99.

    "We have plenty of rules," he said when camp opened. "They're all there so we operate effectively."

    And Mangini's philosophy on the toughness of camp comes from his association with Parcells and Bill Belichick.

    "It's a brutal season, it's a brutal league and competition is brutal," Mangini said. "The key thing is to prepare for that the best way you can. Everything we've done here is simply designed to help us win and compete."

    Interestingly, Parcells and Belichick have talked this summer about getting back to the demanding camps of yesteryear. "Sometimes," Parcells said, "you forget you have to coach them hard."

    But Mangini's mentors aren't the only ones supporting his approach.

    Although one source said his rules are "Byzantine ... like the tax code," a defensive veteran said if players do what they're supposed to do, they won't get fined.

    "It's just like shoplifting," the veteran said. "Are you shoplifting if you take something out of the store, halfway out, don't leave the store? You don't have to worry about it if you're not trying to steal anything."

    Others have persevered because they like the Mangini pedigree and what it portends for them.

    "He comes from a winning organization," cornerback David Barrett said. "He knows how. It's just a matter of us getting together."

    "One thing about Coach. He's going to bring guys in here who believe in his plan," quarterback Chad Pennington said. "Guys are buying in. We're excited about the possibilities."

    Excited or not, the Mangini Jets are about to be put to the test.
    #55 Buttle, Sep 4, 2006
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2006
  16. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I wonder when Kevin Mawae is going to get over it.
  17. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Mangini is doing things he learned from 2 of the best coaches in football. Players that don't like it will be gone one way or another. Good riddance if you're not willing to follow a proven approach. I'm not going to sit here and say Mangini is a great coach, it's obviously too early to tell, but like the article says, the methods he's using are copied from the best.

    should I use more commas?
  18. Buttle

    Buttle New Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    The critics of Mangini argue that he is that not coaching like Parcells or Belichick. Parcells does not run tough camps, he treats his players with respect, is well liked by his players and has the charisma to get along with his players and the media. Parcells is a lot more bark than bite. Mangini seems to lack the ability to personally relate and communicate with his players and the media. The critics of Mangini argue rather than trying to earn the players respect or reach out and communicate with them he tries to create respect with dictatorial rules, humliation and punishment. Essentially Mangini is attempting to make his players play because they fear him not because they want to win for him.

    Most coaches, managers and professionals now understand that punishment and negativity are poor motivators and people simply don't respond well to such approaches. The problem is Mangini simply does not appear to be acting like a professional. Starting petty wars with press people and treating them with disrespect is just plain dumb. Humiliating his players, treating them like children, and not treating them with respect might make them fear him but is not a good long run stratetgy. Players will only play in fear so long. If things turn bad they will be more likely turn on him like any other petty dictator.

    Is all the above true about Mangini? I hope not. But thats what the articles appear to be saying. They seem to be saying the players are already beginning to revolt against him and that he simply is just out of touch and has no idea how to communicate. I would not call this style anything similar to that of Belichick or Parcells. Whats alarming here is this is not one article but many articles saying these same things over and over about Mangini. One would think the press would wait a year, or a half year to turn this viciously against him. It really makes one think something must be seriously wrong with the Jets and these stories might just be the tip of the iceburg. Either way Mangini, the Jets and Jet fans could really use a win this week or things might get very ugly very quick.
    #58 Buttle, Sep 4, 2006
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2006
  19. CaneJet

    CaneJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2002
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    I'll give a Randy Lange more slack than a Rich Cimini, because at this point I still believe he's truly concerned about the team as opposed to trying to get a scoop.

    It's a given that Mangini won't be 100% perfect right out of the box. The big concern is: can he learn from mistakes and make adjustments to his approach? This was my year-to-year concern with Herman Edwards. I thought he had made progress by 2004, and then regressed in 2005.
  20. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    How many players were willing to renegotiate to stay? Which players are complaining? Did you see a lack of effort on the field by anyone during preseason? Are the trying to bring in players to improve the team?

    What was the same press corps saying about the Jets last training camp and preseason? Playoff team SB contender. How did the Veterans play in the opening game last year? They pulled a tank job is how they played. Mawae, Pennnington, Coles, Martin, Ellis the entire veteran leadership that had it easy last year came out and basically tanked the first game of the season. This team needed a rebuild and a kick in the pants and the press corps proved last year in an open administration where they had complete access to everything that they were clueless. Why would you think that this year with no access they have a clue?

    As far as things getting ugly quick, I have seen over 40 years of Jets games, the opener last year was as ugly as any I have every seen in terms of preparation and effort. The fact that the HC didn't bench players after that performance spoke volumes on how this team was run into the ground and the need for a major change in operating procedures had to be instituted.

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