Mangini getting my lowest grade of all rookies

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Jets41815162342, Sep 2, 2006.

  1. PinPointPenning10

    PinPointPenning10 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Agreed. Let's see how it works out during the season, can't really judge someone by how they coach the preseason.
  2. Jetsman5137

    Jetsman5137 New Member

    Jan 31, 2004
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    Sir, I believe its all the changes in the FO that make the players feel unconfident right now; not necessarily Mangini per se. All coaches except Westoff and positional coaches are new this year. Mangini runs a tight camp and the players are used to running the Herm Edwards "laid back" version of camp/practices. At least for this season you gotta believe the players arent yet used to Mangini's style of practices. Lets face it, Mangini is the opposite of Herms "players coach" personality. Mangini doesnt know what its like to play Football at the college or pro levels and i have yet to be convinced the man has even done something physically strenious his life. Secondly Mangini brings a whole new system into play and that will take time to implement properly. If something does not come naturally to a player, of course hes going to lack confidence.

    In reguards to your comment on Mangini keeping every roster spot open on the field; its his first year here, he doesnt have any player loyalty. At least for this year, a big rebuilding year, he has the right to make a competition for every position. Next year if every position is "up for grabs" I will wholeheartedly agree with you. At least Mangini doesnt adhere to politics like Herm does, for example never letting Lamont get decent carries because Herm was 100% loyal to Curtis Martin.

    Lastly I agree with you on comment #1, that Mangini cant just shut out the media like that. He hasnt had the success
    in the past to just do whatever he wants to do. Having the 26th ranked Patriot defense last year doesnt equal a great coaching run. If he gets into the playoffs in the next fews years, then he has more leeway to shut the media out. I however didnt like how Bradway and Herm would tell the media everything. Bradway gave Herm to KC for nothing just because he made it so obvious that we didnt want him around anymore. This year, we have been able to get rid of players we dont want for draft picks because we haven't made it so obvious that we intended to cut said players.
    #22 Jetsman5137, Sep 2, 2006
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2006
  3. jetsaholic10

    jetsaholic10 Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    IMO, besides a coach's attitude and such, nothing can be concluded from preseason games. This includes Mangini and all the rest of the rookie coaches. Let them coach at least a few regular season games first, I think a true assessment can be made after a full season. We just simply don't know whether Mangini's tactics and way of doing things is the right way or wrong way yet.
  4. JetPulse

    JetPulse New Member

    May 16, 2006
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    I wasn't going to respond to the post. Waste of time. But, really I don't want to sit by while others help to seed these ideas of a losing mentality.

    Constantly talking about things has got to be one of the most unproductive acts of an NFL team. The Jets have always talked about things that have occurred and are not gossip in the wind. I would have to give Mangini an A+ on team gossip.

    By the way the team has drafted, recruited, traded, trained, and played I would have to say that Mangini has demonstrated an open mind. Not, the egotisitical dictator that you suggest.

    The team has, for the most part, been concentrating on how they play. In the preseason and with a new offense most of this concentration is just doing the right thing at the right time. Feeling comfortable and confident takes time. Hopefully, by the first game.

    Copying things that work has never been a bad thing to do. But, many of the plays and sets have been changed to fit the talents of the players. So, I'd have to disagree.

    I can't believe that after last season there'd be a complaint about opening all positions to competition. And, look at Pennington. He didn't earn his starting position because of the preseason. He earned it from past performances. As anyone with eyes could tell you. The positions have been open to competition. But, this has not been in a vacuum. It has been with consideration of all information available with goals in mind.

    The problems with the offense did not start with Shotty. He inherited them. The process has been deep and thorough. Meaning some shuffling of players more then they'd like. But, he has kept an open mind and used creativity so far. Personally, I have high hopes for the fruits from the mind of Shotty.
  5. CaneJet

    CaneJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2002
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    So what other rookies did you grade?
  6. BomberJet

    BomberJet Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2002
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    My condolences to the person starting this thread. Not even 1 game into the season and your wailing like a baby.......go root for another team.
  7. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Brad Childress MIN
    Gary Kubiak HOU
    Scott Linehan STL
    Eric Mangini NYJ
    Rod Marinelli DET
    Mike McCarthy GB
    Sean Payton NO

    Last on this list. Hardly.
  8. Jets41815162342

    Jets41815162342 New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    As a life long Jets fan I have sniffed enough Sh*% to know what it smells like. I lived through the Walton years and the Kotite years, I'll be here when Mangini takes us to the Super Bowl.

    I applaud some of the Mangini plan. I am ok with the draft for the most part and hope Shlegel is the next Lance Mehl.

    I was impressed with the Tangini free agent approach.

    I like the whole idea of the Mangini-type player in theory.

    I am not criticizing his on field managment which seems worlds better than Herm.

    BUT, I disagree with everyone on this thread that says the preseason doesn't mean anything.

    If you are the Patriots, Panthers, Eagles, Steelers (you get my point) then you could go out there and play Texas Holdem in the huddle and still make the playoffs when the season starts.

    Has anyone watched any of these preseason games. For a team that is getting worked so hard and is in training camp hell loaded with 110% mangini type players they looked like a bad college team.

    Someone make me feel better about this ... besides some exciting special teams play (coached by a great NFL ST coach) and the future superstar Brad Smith what in the preseason was a glimpse of hope for this team, particularly the offense?

    Our starting QB, loaded with question marks to begin with, did not put together one real TD drive in 3 games. I have been a Penny supporter since he got here and he may be our best option but he needed a better showing the 1st three games to not play in the last. That offense needed more time on the field together and it could make the difference come opening day.

    I'm not saying the Preseason record means anything. It doesn't, but what does is chemistry and I haven't seen any on offense. Not a glimpse. I'm starting to aggree with Felonious that there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

    I got sucked in by the Mangini is one of the "bright young minds in coaching" stuff and I'm starting to smell the BS now. Well at least we got Bobby Hamilton back.
  9. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Terrific post, I hope your planning on sticking around?
  10. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Did you hinestly expect that with a new HC, IC, DC, new systems on both sides of the ball, and ending last season with no offensive line that it would all get turned around by now? Man.... I've been a Jets fan since they were called the Titans, but that's no excuse for delusional expectations. We are working towards 2008.... and you have already run out of patience. Better get on some meds.... gonna be a long two years.
  11. Twombles

    Twombles Active Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    also the rotation is kind of what ever team does in the preseason so get over it
  12. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Why does it matter what grade YOU give the coaches?

    Are you important?
  13. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    So which beat writer are you?
  14. dabrowsk1

    dabrowsk1 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    What you do in the preseason in no way indicates what you will do in the regular season. I don't care how good or bad people say a team is supposed to be. PRESEASON MEANS NOTHING! Please tell me, out of the 32 teams, how many played their starters? Of those how many played the starters for more than a series? No team wants to risk injury to their starters on the last preseason game. It has ALWAYS been that way.

    Times like this I thank God for the Bullshit forum, and KOZ for building the bunker. Maybe I can keep my sanity for the season then.
  15. canuckgreenandwhite

    canuckgreenandwhite New Member

    Aug 29, 2006
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    sorry, totally disagree with this spewing verbiage....4 pre-season games and you are writting off Mangini?? you need to at least wait for December before critisizing the H.C!!! lets see what mangini and the jets do during the regular season's first few games before passing judgement.
    same goes for Shotts, Jesus Christ its the pre-season!!! who give a flying f??? Bet you thought the 92 Jets were going to the SB after 5-0 pre-season!!
  16. NamathDays

    NamathDays New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    Please tell me someone how to make a judgement call this early RE:
    1. how team will do this year
    2. how coach will do this year
    This is all new new new and if he wants to play the Silent Bill character...give him enough rope to hang himself. And I dispute your confidence and attitude assumption. I thought I saw kids and player TRYING to do their best...something sorely missing from Jets in Herm's last 2 seasons as the preaching rants wore em down...but I'm guessing from watching this stuff for years that the best way to win your players over to your system is to WIN....And you didnt even give Mangini a chance to do that before the dumping him it the trashcan. And this killing the team before you have seen them play(if you think preseasons mean something, try our 5-0 one on for size) is just part of this pandemic of negative soothsaying Jetfans. Leaderless drones....thats funny...we learn who leads by example...meaning you gotta watch em a few times....Get a grip...and wait first 4 weeks...cause I guarantee you a bumpy ride....New regime...New players...recipe for growing pains..and glass is 3/4's full for the Jets!
  17. canuckgreenandwhite

    canuckgreenandwhite New Member

    Aug 29, 2006
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    i'm with you 100% lets stay POSITIVE and let the baby steps begin....I, for one am FREAKIN EzXCITED!! I don't give a F if we finish 3-13!!!
  18. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Jets41815162342 If you're giving Mangini your lowest grade for all the rookie HC, I would like to see how you rank the job of the other rookie HC and how and why you rank them the way you do.
  19. jetsaholic10

    jetsaholic10 Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    I hope you wrote down your user name somewhere in case u forget it
  20. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    This is the post that needs a good response, Mr. JetsNumbers!

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