Its alot of action for sure...Really wonder how much pull Snyder had rather then WB saying cut down the run time to make it action packed because Superman Returns was a snorefest. His rough cut for Man of Steel is 3 hours +...I think we needed a minute or two with some of the scenes transitioning from past to present. Things were happening fast lol
It also felt a bit more The Dark Knight Rises instead of Batman Begins in style. Like we are thrown into the world of Superman rather then introduced
I was at the theater last night, but for some reason, did not feel like seeing Superman. I saw Trek Into Darkness instead, for a second time. Fantastic movie. This Is The End is also a great movie. I'd say there have been 4 great movies so far this year: OZ: The Great and Powerful, Iron Man 3, This Is the End and Star Trek Into Darkness. I'll see Man of Steel soon. One day this week. The mixed reviews worry me, since I am already borderline on it.
Somebody should see it in D-Box, so they can know what it feels like to spend an entire movie being kicked in the back of the seat by the world's largest and most bad-tempered two year old. I saw Iron Man 3 in D-Box and wanted to fight someone afterwards.
I saw it again tonight...paid attention to the felt better this go around as I made sense of the scenes...I think Snyder probably had seen it so many times that the editing flows better after you understand the transition. Def see it again, repeated viewings will help. Have no issues with some not liking the movie
I didn't understand why they kept punching each other when neither was getting hurt. Enjoyed it overall though.
I really can't stop thinking about the movie and the more and more I think about it the less I like it. The fact that I think most of the cast, except Amy Adams, killed it and I still can't find any way to give it a 3/5 tells me it wasn't that great.
Movie Spoiler.......................................... I thought this was funny, the final fight scene is like 15 minutes long. These guys are beating the shit out of each other with steel beams, oil tankers etc.. so these guys are indestructible. so a last ditch effort Zod is spraying eye lazer all over the place and all Superman had to so was break his neck? lol Also, I was thinking are there barber shops on Krypton. Fans already know how Superman shaves: He concentrates his heat vision, reflects it off a mirror, and aims it back at his face, burning off the stubble. The Superman Wiki features an impressively exhaustive collection dedicated to documenting the Man of Steel's shaving routine. In 1960, Superman #139 featured a bearded Superman asking his Kryptonian allies Supergirl and Krypto the Superdog to use their heat vision to burn his whiskers off. (It was a strange time.) In 1986, The Man of Steel #4 offered a weirdly detailed inner monologue in which Superman thinks through his long, elaborate shaving routine over three panels. The method has even been depicted on TV before; here, watch the Man of Steel employing the unique grooming method in two separate Superman stories — Lois & Clark and Superman: The Animated Series: In Gillette's defense, Kevin Smith acknowledges the canonical heat vision explanation in his ad-campaign video before dismissing it as implausible. "I didn't buy it then, I don't buy it now. I think there are better theories to look at," he says before offering his own take (which is, for the record, that Superman shaves with a piece of the advanced spaceship that originally brought him to Earth). And canonical or not, the heat vision theory comes with its own problems; if Superman's heat vision is powerful enough to vaporize an entire army of Doomsday replicas, why can't it burn through a standard Earth mirror?
Finally saw this. Most people in this thread have it right. Comparing it to TDK Trilogy would not be fair, as it is far inferior, but it still is average at best compared to other super hero movies too. I feel bad, because the potential was there. Zack Snyder was a bad choice to direct it. He is all about style. There is no dialogue. I absolutely hated how Superman barely said anything. Especially the end, where Zod talks NON-STOP, then Superman either says a sentence or growls or just runs at him. Terrible. Good: -Russell Crowe -Henry Cavill (but wasted) -Opening scene, flash backs. -Faora Bad: -Amy Adams (Terrible casting) -The final third of the movie -Ridiculous CGI fighting -No emotions at all. Too much action. Not really funny, except for the scene with the truck. -No surprises or twists or turns. I give the movie a C overall, but it will probably drop the more I think about it. After Superman talks with his dad in the middle, I was getting really pumped. I thought this was going to be great. Then it goes nowhere. Too bad.