Yeah that looks as un-cheesy as you can do a Superman. Exactly what I would expect from something with Nolan on board. Good shit.
Trailer 3 out...Sounds like the new soundtrack for the film too. I am liking what I see. Although some CGI still needs work [youtube]T6DJcgm3wNY[/youtube]
Probably the last trailer before the movie is out...Cant believe it but I dont see how there is any way this film will be a bust. Damn looks fucking amazing and Michael Shannon is just awesome [youtube]NlOF03DUoWc[/youtube]
I was incorrect, the last trailer is out now...Just came out 2 hours ago. THIS LOOKS JAWDROPPINGLY AWESOME [youtube]dwYatpwrs8s[/youtube]
Some tweets from some famous people...The reviews are around 70%+ fresh on RT...The general public will love this I think, social media buzzing: James Younghusband @JYH7 24m Loved Man of Steel!!! One of the best movies I've seen! Great cast!!!! And great directing from Zack Snyder. @russellcrowe superb as Joe El! Dwight Howard @DwightHoward 3h Jus saw Man of Steel. Great movie. #amazing. Patton Oswalt @pattonoswalt 2h MAN OF STEEL was amazing. Wasn't sure when we were allowed to talk about it. The globe-cracking battles will powder your spine. Maddy Madz @MizcooLniz 6m Gaaah... I hear Man of Steel is EPIC! RJ Ledesma @rjled 25m Just watched Man Of Steel. Its worth all the hype! Thank you Zack Snyder & Christopher Nolan! The DC fan boy in me is vindicated Man of Steel made me cry three times, man! Tears of joy PRATTY @iamjohnprats 2h The BEST superhero movie ever! #manofsteel Jason Chen @JasonDChen 3h Just watched an advance screening of man of steel! Crazyyyyyy cgi lol. Make sure you guys watch it when it comes out on Friday! Nick Vollmer @Floodgatemartyr 4h #manofsteel is what we've been waiting decades for superhero movies to achieve Epic, emotional, politically and socially relevant, gorgeous Harry Knowles @headgeek666 5h Zack Snyder just melted my brain, MAN OF STEEL I need on repeat for two weeks elmayimbe @elmayimbe 5h FANBOY NATION! I just got out of perhaps the BEST Superhero movie I have seen in a decade. Nothing Marvel has done compares to MAN OF STEEL! Michael Paul @foreverfolding 6h Man of Steel is amazing. A rare balance of action and drama. One of the best superhero movies ever #manofsteel Kyle S. @FilmBuffKS 1m Man of Steel was great. Not what I was expecting but still really good. Kathryn Bernardo @HeartyLopez 5m Done watching Man of Steel. One of the best movies I watched jacqueline @jacquelinemegan 1m In fairness I liked the ending of man of steel lol I can't wait for the sequel! Kimberly Buera @KimberlyBuera 2m RT: Man of Steel is really good! Made me cry on some scenes :') . Lhevie. @Lheviooosa 3m Man of Steel was pretty impressive Nachelle Baylon @nananachelle 1m Finished watching Man Of Steel! SUPERRRR SUPERRR *with matching red cape* AWESOME
I was hyped to see this by the trailers, but the more I see extended scenes the worse it looks. Zack Snyder is all visuals and horrible with everything else. going to go see This is the End instead. I may check it out in a couple of weeks when I am out of town on business and have nothing else to do.
I'll see This Is The End over anything in theaters right now. If only for the product placement and subliminal messaging packed into it. But I hear it's funny, too.
I agree.. I've been avoiding trailers and clips after the initial trailer... I'm seeing it Saturday night. Hoping for a good one.. not sure what to expect.
Just saw it...I think its very good, Snyder made a film for the fans. The comic book fans. Also, the general public will love it. I can see why this is a mixed bag with the critics...Without spoiling anything: I think the film delivers in its Superman, Henry Cavill The story is very good...Its a unique origins story that I can totally envision seeing as contemporary. It works The action scenes are unbelievable...Not cheesy either, just so epic in scope. The chick playing Faora is so sexy in her scenes Cast was great and just a real epic Superman film Pa & Ma Kent were great The things that I think that were needed: I think the pace is very frantic...Things happen so fast in the plot that it seems Snyder followed a storyboard directly. There needed to be some calming down scenes, but I can see why they went with this "OH SHIT, world is about to go to hell we need HELP ASAP". The film needed another 15 minutes to balance out the pacing and transitioning, include some more conversation scenes. I think its a bit gruesome in parts, but young boys are going to fall in love with this superhero film...I think now that they got through Man of Steel...They can flesh out these characters in a sequel for sure. Def. am hoping for a Director's Cut if there is one...Snyder does usually have these, I think it would really benefit it. Overall, I am happy and ecstatic that Superman was done right! Will probably go see it tomorrow with the gf now P.S. There is no extra credits scene...DC doesnt like to do those it seems.
I hated it. Plain and simple. The CGI is ridiculous. The action scenes are forever long. The whole "Superman" standing there engulfed in flames was corny as hell. I just think they dropped the ball on this one. This was like a Michael Bay movie. Non stop shit blowing up.