uuuggghhh. Being that I am working today, looks like I will get stuck with a shit team. Can we only select from the PS3? Or can we put bids in here?
I'm stuck in the same boat, Hemi.....i won't be able to select a team till after work today. But no matter....i'll take whatever is left......I'll beat these pretenders with a CFL franchise if I have to :wink:
It will make it a challenge. Turn the Lions into a contender? That would be interesting. On a side note, where do you go to see the invite? Or have they not been sent out yet? I was online yesterday and could not find it, they redid the whole online screen.
Yeah. Normally it's set to 25 second run-off. Scik is bringing it down to 20 seconds. Which technically means, you'll get 15 seconds after you select a play to get the play off whereas to before, it was 10 seconds. Don't know if that's enough time, but I'll try it. I'm sure if he gets enough complaints to decrease the run-off, he'll do it.
Yea, if its cutting it close, I can knock it down to 25 seconds if its a problem. I woke up extra early, just for you guys!!!! as for being able to pick a team online, you can go to onlinefranchise.easports.com and pick your team, I THINK!!!
yeah..i'm in too....I need to fuck over rmagedon6 and pick the team he wants......so just PM the league name first, Scik...before you post it :smile:
I dont need their online webpage to create the league, just random thoughts at the buttcrack of dawn. All I need is a league name... hmmmmmm
haha. Online Franchise system is down....they said that would happen when they upload the new roster to the online franchise mode. Its not the same as playing online... It should be a few minutes...