Maccagnan is Fired!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by westiedog1, May 15, 2019.

  1. Sec124DieHard

    Sec124DieHard Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2010
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    but it is...the fact that he decided to go "all-in" w/ Ryan Fitzpatrick for 2 years just further speaks to his ineptness.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  2. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Well duh. You hire a new coach and don't extend the GM, the GM will basically know he is a lame duck and will spend every dime trying to save his job with big name splashy moves, no matter if they are the smart moves.

    The Johnson Brothers are success prophylactics.
  3. King Koopa

    King Koopa Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    Doesn’t make sense...but it’s the Jets so what should we expect

    Honestly don’t care that he’s gone or if he stayed but the process is a shitshow because why wouldn’t it be
  4. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    What's important is success, like, now.

    I understand what your argument is but I still disagree completely.

    You are not factored in a lot of variables in my opinion.


    Allowing a GM that you know is going to be fired to use up 100Mill and spend a top 3 pick on a player is an absolute hindrance to any NEW GM you bring into the fold now.
    We could've have used those resources to implement the vision of our new GM and HC. Which is extremely important. Instead, we just exhausted an ENTIRE offseason based around another man's vision that isn't even with this team anymore.
    For what?


    I understand your argument about bring a GM in with training wheels essentially, that's not a good thing to me though. You want someone that is competent, that has done their homework, that is on top of their shit. I don't need someone coming in, taking up an entire season, at the risk of flopping anyway because now this guy has to wait an ENTIRE year to get to work on his vision, the following year. Which means, more time wasted, in case it doesn't work out. These guys have been involved in the business for years, and years. There is a reason why the process is typically done with GM and HC hires. Chemistry is a intricate aspect to all of this as well. Gase is already showing his ass with his arrogance and demands, fitting someone else into that picture now becomes a lot more harder.

    Unless you find someone that is essentially a "Gase" guy, which means, you are now literally scrapping a ton of potential and qualified candidates because they may not necessarily fall in line with the all mighty, Gase.

    I would MUCH MUCH MUCH rather have a GM use up those kind of resources on their vision and plan, then allow a lame duck GM play monopoly with this roster and the future of this team.

    It is incompetent and absolutely ignorant to take this type of approach with this team. IMO

    The process may be extensive, hard, time consuming, but that is what they are paid for, and I personally want a guy that is so fucking prepared, that those aspects are far easier because of that prep and desire prior to being hired.

    It happens EVERY YEAR, and there a TON of teams over the years that have found the right guy, with the right success to follow along with it.

    I refuse to make any excuses for this type of move.
    I refuse to make these moronic owners look good in any way.

    They don't deserve it and we deserve better.

    Since1969 and HomeoftheJets like this.
  5. Plenty of fans including on here, Bowles & Woody contributed to that. the Storyline all along was MAC didn't wanna give in to Fitz's demands.

    Mac needed to go but as much as I despised Fitz from the beginning his hand was pretty much forced.
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  6. Ray Lucas

    Ray Lucas Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
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    Hire Louis Riddick
    King Koopa likes this.
  7. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    That isn't the same scenario at all. Not even close.
  8. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    No, it really isn't.

    It really is as simple as that, he did not start the rebuild in year 1 of his tenure and it is pointless you pretending he did.

    I really do not understand the line of thought that makes you come out with that crap tbh.
  9. boozer32

    boozer32 Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2006
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    6 months too late. They let him scout and pick this horrible draft, sit in and interview potential head coaches, sign these free agent and NOW fire him and make the coach/GM. So now we have no owner and no real GM. The last time we let the coach make the grocery list that didn't go so well. I was no Macc fan but the Jets should have gotten rid of him alot earlier but doing it now is worst. The Jets are a joke. The Johnsons need to go back full time to the band aid business full time.
  10. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    LMAO this has been by far the dumbest argument against Mac that there was. You realize that outside the first pick every pick that has ever been made the player “fell” to the GM?
  11. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    The why is obvious. The HC won a power struggle, simple as that.
    Footballgod214 likes this.
  12. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Bwahahaha this is for all you Maccagnan ball huggers out there :p:p. This just proves what an abject moron he was. Unfortunately Jets brass is moronic too and should've done this a long time ago but better late than never.

    It's a step in the right direction. However we still need to see what Gase does to see if he's part of the solution or a continuation of the problem.

    Good move though as Mac drained this team of talent for way too long and made some really poor moves. He's a back room cap guy, nothing more. Good riddance.
  13. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    Totally agree--how did he keep his job this long? Still can't believe that 2017 draft, when the jets needed help on BOTH OL and DL--so Mike McIdiot drafts 4 DBs and 3 receivers in one draft, but zero OL and DL. Dumb shit!
  14. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Mac wasn't a lame duck GM, he was a mediocre GM that had all the details to make this draft along with his scouting department. His off season moves were based on him being in place for at least another year. Further he knew if he bungled the offseason this would probably be his last year. Mac had incentive to kill it this offseason. We likely got his absolute focussed best work. Now the team is handed off to the new HC. A new GM will be brought in who is philosophically on the same page as the HC. They can work together to build the roster into a contending team.

    It was the perfect time to dump out. We will be a season ahead of every other team looking to hire one of the failed GM's from another team. This allows us to freely raid any team by offering their talent a promotion with no competition.
  15. Sec124DieHard

    Sec124DieHard Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2010
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  16. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    This is still a bad look. Even in this outlook of it all.

    Johnson believed so much in Mac, his vision, the direction, the moves he's made up to this point to keep him as the GM of this football team.


    You let a guy who was divisive in Miami come in as your HC, knowing full well the reports and rumors surrounding this man, knowing the outcome and backlash that the Dolphins literally JUST WENT THROUGH, and he persuades you into making a decision like this?

    I mean, this is obvious where this came from.

    This isn't a good look. History does repeat itself. That's a fact.

    It concerns me that an Owner can be so easily persuaded. It makes me wonder just how much of an impact Payton Manning's phone call for Adam Gase actually did factor into the hire now.

    A owner, this wishy washy, isn't a good thing. This is why bad decisions are consistently made by everyone in the world.

    If you're not confident in the direction you are going, if you don't have the faith and will power to follow through, success will consistently avoid you.

    The fucking owner should've have fired both Macc and Bowles together.

    No matter how you try to spin it, it looks bad, it is bad, and most people can already see where this is heading.

    News Flash.

    It's not good.
    Since1969 and BacktoQueens like this.
  17. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    Could not have said it better!
    NYJetsO12 and JetsNation06 like this.
  18. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    NO comp? How is that possible?
  19. It's disappointing bc we used to agree on most topics...but I really couldn't disagree w. you more about this.

    It appears they didn't know he was going to be fired until a few weeks till the draft long after FA even transpired. And not just him...the second in command. I mean...what do you want ownership to do? Ignore the rifts & let it spiral into a true circus?I already responded to another post of yours...who did you want to replace them on draft day? Gase? CJ?????? You wouldn't have been just as pissed if not more had this been the case??

    You also are not respecting how much of a time crunch hiring a new G.M. w. 3 weeks till the senior Bowl truly is. In fact THAT'S how John Idzik ended up appointing terry Bradway to run the drafts here...especially early on. He was busy filling in his staff, getting up to speed on the roster/Cap situation so rather than half ass it on the fly in Mobile he put Bradway in charge.

    I can understand the "Why let him draft if he's gone" portion a helluva lot more than I can "I'd rather hire someone in late december when 5-6 other teams are competing for the same guys w. only a few weeks till draft season ramps up". Why fight something that can be very advantageous & has proven to work in the past..namely w. the Browns & the pre Favre Packers.

    You've lost me on this one.
  20. NYJ79

    NYJ79 Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2014
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    What great candidates do you think are sitting out there for us? Seems like we picked option C: fire him after letting him run FA and the draft, and after the most promising candidates have been hired by other teams, leaving us to pick over the scraps.

    In a power struggle bet. the GM and a newly hired coach, in what universe does the coach WIN!??! Fuck this team. Or maybe just fuck me for still being stupid enough to care.

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