Macc... Trade or Cut Petty ASAP!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Cman68, Dec 17, 2016.

  1. LarryAlRalph

    LarryAlRalph Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Okay fine, you're entitled to that. But there is no magical fix in football.
  2. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    Thats my point.

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  3. LarryAlRalph

    LarryAlRalph Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2016
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    "Geno was the best qb on this roster?" AYKM? Geno couldn't read a defense if it was in size 36 font. There's no point in taking this conversation any further.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  4. cbman13

    cbman13 Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2011
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    The fact that two people are arguing who was/is the best qb we've had in a while and it's between Geno and Petty tells me all I need to know....... for the record, the last decent qb we had was Chad Pennington...... Not Petty or Geno
    #84 cbman13, Dec 18, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2016
  5. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I'm tired of hearing that Geno has talent. He is athletically gifted, but there are many facets to being a good football player and a good QB, and Geno falls short in every other facet of the game. He is athletic and that is IT. He brings NOTHING more to the table.

    I understand you are not advocating Geno is the answer, but I hear all the time that Geno "has talent." Yes, he is very athletic, but he falls short in every other way imaginable.
  6. LarryAlRalph

    LarryAlRalph Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2016
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    By the root, I think you really mean Woody Johnson, and you'd be right. According to the record, he paid $100 million more for the Jets than they were worth at the time, was on the committee that chose Roger Goodell for commissioner, and is now rumored to be going to work for Donald Trump (holy freaking Cripes!) as ambassador to England(?). He obviously has a lot more money than brains.
    #86 LarryAlRalph, Dec 18, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2016
  7. Jets69

    Jets69 Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
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    Kellen Clemens and Brett Ratlif should also be in consideration for greatest QB as well, with this list.
    zace likes this.
  8. PulseJet

    PulseJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2012
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    I didnt say I would evaluate you, I said you should have a doctor evaluate you. You keep saying your brutally honest like you think your opinion carries more weight than others on this thread. Sorry, it doesnt.

    As for evaluating Petty, I'll wait to see the all-22 analysis to form my opinion. But just a couple of points.

    1) A few weeks ago, the media was questioning whether Petty understood the playbook and what it took to run the offense. Well, I think he does get it, and that kill and play change to hit Anderson on the 40yd touchdown was the best proof you will ever see. Petty changed plays at the line of scrimmage repeatedly in the game.
    2) The Jets gameplan in the first half was sound. Rolling Petty out, screen dump offs to Powell, and those terrific hard counts that caught the fins in the neutral zone 3 times. But after the punt screwup and the Dolphins went ahead Petty had to take more risks downfield and hold the ball longer, which led to more sacks and QB hits.
    3) The Jets red zone playcalling has been garbage all year, as evidenced by the shuttle pass. Horrible call. You complain about Petty's TD/INT ratio. I wish it was better too, but you cant tell me that the playcalling has helped to improve that ratio.
    4) We don't know who was at fault for Shell not picking up the edge rusher that led to the fumble. It could have been Petty, it could have been Wes Johnson, or it could be Shell is a rookie dumbass.
    5) The Petty interception to Wake was his worst play of the game by far. But in my view it was the only poor decision and read Petty made. By comparison 11-year vet Fitz comes in and I watch him throw into triple coverage twice, like he was doing all year. Petty didn't throw into double or triple coverage once. And if he did I'd make note of it.
    6) Inaccurate deep throws? Seriously? He is accurate, its just that the Dolphin coverage was very good. The Lippett INT was a great play by the DB. It was perfectly in Anderson's arms, and if it was thrown a foot longer it would have been an Anderson catch or an incomplete. Are we really complaining about inaccuracy when Petty makes a catchable ball, but its a foot from being perfect? Seriously? Matt Moore was the second coming of Marino, even though he was throwing inaccurate floaters all night. That TD strike to Stills was at least 2 yards off Stills route. He had to adjust for that ball. But because our DB was 5 yards behind its TD Miami. Petty hit Marshall on the arms later, but Miami got away with PI. And the second throw to Marshall that looked like it was underthrown seemed more like Marshall and Petty weren't on the same page. But can you tell me that Marshall looked motivated to play last night? He was mailing it in.
    7) Petty had at least 5 catchable balls dropped. Two from Marshall, two from Enunwa and one from Anderson. They were good reads and decent throws.
    8) The play that was the hardest sack taken by any QB this year, the play that will be run and rerun on ESPN for years as a mark of Jet ineptitude... Was that Wes Johnson or Petty at fault. We dont know. But Petty took the snap, and with Wake and Suh coming at him full speed and untouched Petty makes a great throw, takes the hit and walks away. He stood in the pocket like a man. If that was a game changing play that led to a Jet win Petty would become a Jet folk hero. Arent those the type of plays and players we want to root for on this team? How do the veterans on the team that are mailing it in feel about that play? We have been hearing the word moxie alot in the last few weeks. I dont know what that is, but Petty sure has guts.
    9) Petty has shown improvement in his game week after week. To my eye, he is better than Fitz. And Powell is better than Forte. So what credit do we give the coaching staff for evaluating talent when they dont seem to put put the best players on the field?And they keep a mercenary like Revis in the game. Remember, the Jets D was dominating the first half, then Moore seen the soft Revis coverage and completed two long passes against him and got the offense going for their first score. That was one of the major turning points in this game.

    Question. Who do you think in the NFL doesnt have their flaws? Eli throws a ton of INT's and is horrible in avoiding pressure. But he is smart and has a good arm and the Giants try to put him in the best position to succeed and have rings to show for it. Brady is awful at identifying and evading inside pressure. But that hasnt stopped him from being the best QB ever (ugh) Every QB in the league makes mistakes and has flaws in their game.

    Petty has improved considerably from game to game. I think if he has a decent OL and has a playmaker like Powell in the backfield he can be a successful QB. Do you think Romo could have done better last night? Cutler? Dont think so... Who is this magical QB you think is going to come in and save this franchise?
    #88 PulseJet, Dec 18, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2016
    MoWilkBeast, SOJAZ, NCJetsfan and 2 others like this.
  9. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    6) Inaccurate deep throws? Seriously? He is accurate, its just that the Dolphin coverage was very good. The Lippett INT was a great play by the DB.

    Youre kidding right? That ball was under thrown by a good 2 yards. Thats accuracy. Are you telling me petty doesnt have the arm to make that throw? He certainly does.

    Tells me all i need to know about you. This conversation is done, because clearly youre going off emotion. Youre a smart person. No sarcasm intended. Well revisit this after you have some time to cool down. Ill gladly discuss it with you then.

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  10. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    Neither can any of the others. Were just a disaster at the position.

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  11. HomeoftheJets

    HomeoftheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Petty's a great guy, but he doesn't look like a good QB. As of now, he doesn't deserve any special praise or favors beyond a Bollinger, Clemens, etc.
  12. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    I seriously have seen college offensive lines pass protect better than what the jets are putting out there. The jets must think that the word "offensive" in offensive line should be taken literally.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  13. PulseJet

    PulseJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2012
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    Funny stuff. I wrote a point by point dispassionate detail of why I think Petty is doing better than you think. And I need to cool down? Nice projection.

    On the Petty INT, it was short, yes. It hit Anderson on the hands with a slight late adjustment but would have been better thrown deeper. You want inaccurate? The interception pass by Moore to Burress was inaccurate. A floater duck 5 yards away from the receiver. Inaccurate is when the WR doesn't have a play on the ball but the DB does.

    But now the hyper critical NY media is calling Moore Marino and Petty Glenn Foley. And we wonder why the Jets can never get good talent in free agency and has to settle for overpaid mercenaries.

    You keep saying Geno was the best QB on the roster this year. But how many stupid, inaccurate throws did Geno make in his career? A shit ton. How many poor reads did he make? Cant count em. But Petty makes a good read and slightly underthrows the pass and in Zace's book he isnt the answer. I wonder if Derek Carr would stand your scrutiny. He had an awful game last week against the Chiefs. Maybe he was a bad pick?

    Your right, thats all for now. Have a wonderful holiday, enjoy your friends and family, and lets hope for a better Jets team in 2017!
    LarryAlRalph likes this.
  14. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    You clearly do need to cool down because youre blaming a WR for an int that was clearly short. I want you to save this, screen shot this and remember. So when he fails, youll remember everything i said.

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  15. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I guess you did, bruh. I read it in an article within the last week or two. I'll see if I can find it, but know I didn't dream, bruh.
  16. PulseJet

    PulseJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2012
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    You obviously cant read. Re-read what I wrote. I never blamed Anderson. I credited the DB with making a good play. There is a difference.

    It wasnt a perfect throw by Petty, but it wasnt a horrible throw either. Down 20-10, Petty tried to make a pass in single coverage. It didnt work out. It happens frequently in the NFL.

    But your obviously just trolling now.
  17. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    You lazy fuckers want links? There are two links below. :p

    I swear if some of you guys would try reading the articles that are linked off of this site, you might become more knowledgeable about the team for which you supposedly root. It's clearly evident that a lot of posters never read those articles and thus are ignorant and constantly questioning those of us who do read them.
  18. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    No I read it and to say it wasnt a horrid throw is just not even close to accurate. Any slightly better throw results in an incompletion at worse. It was a terrible throw blame the qb who made throws like that all game.

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  19. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    Thank you for taking the time to spell this out for those who can't - or won't - see the obvious. We don't know for sure if Petty is THE answer at QB, but he's sure better than any other option we currently have or even have a chance of having in the near future.

    And for the record - I never said he was better than Pennington - who I agree was the best the Jets had in a long time before him - but when did Penny last play for them? Petty is better than Sanchez, Smith, Fitz, or anyone else since Pennington. That's a pretty low bar so it doesn't qualify him to be inducted into Canton, but he certainly gives the Jets something to work with. If anyone wants to dump Petty, just answer this: Who will you replace him with?
    PulseJet likes this.
  20. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I would just sign an expendable JAG FA Qb to get pummeled behind our HOF Oline until we get a shot at a franchise Qb that comes in ready to play w/no learning curve. Its only been 49 years since we've been to the SB and 6 since we've been to the playoffs so I don't really feel a sense of urgency.
    PulseJet likes this.

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