I caved in last night and bought a Mac, I'm actually posting this from my new Mac. I was going back and forth but Best Buy had the iMac Air 13.3 inch for 849.99 plus I had a 10% off coupon so after tax it was only 826. I was very impressed with how easy the setup was.... in like 30 seconds I was good to go. Now it doesn't seem to have adobe flash, is that weird? I also don't know how to authorize the computer to allow my iTunes to be accessed.
Try Google. I think when Jobs was alive he hated flash and I think it was removed. I could be wrong though.
Apple doesn't install flash by default, because Steve Jobs wanted the world to move on to HTML5, and he didn't like the security vulnerabilities inherent in Flash. You can use Google Chrome for flash sites without having to install anything extra, or you can install Flash onto Safari. As for authorizing iTunes, you should just open iTunes and click "Authorize this Computer" or whatever the option is from the menu at the top. You can also call Apple with those kinds of questions, or check Apple forums with whatever questions pop up.