Mac looks good after player purge (How X Jets are doing)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by BudJet, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    Your missing the big part,teams don't rebuild 4 weeks into a season (especially at 2-2) they rebuild during the offseason. During the season the best players play as they are trying to win games. HC doesn't rebuild the GM does. the HC has the job of starting who he thinks has the best chance to win and winning the game every week. That's how the NFL works. maybe except week 17 if it doesn't matter and you want to rest better players for the playoffs and avoid a big injury in a meaningless game. What don't you get about the fact the season is played to win
  2. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    :rolleyes:o_O ROFLMAO!!! Whatever. Sorry to disrupt you from you delusions. Carry on.
    #82 NCJetsfan, Oct 5, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2017
  3. Ozymandias

    Ozymandias Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2010
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    Say what you will about Macc, a genius move by him was cutting Folk.
    Burnz likes this.
  4. Burnz

    Burnz Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2010
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    Was listening to the end of the game on the radio and kept saying this to myself
  5. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Single-handedly cost the game right there.

    OK - 56 yarder may not be in his range but 49 and 31? Inexcusable.
    Red Menace and FJF like this.
  6. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    What the fk happened to Nick Folk? 0/3?

    Maccagnan with yet another outstanding release of a veteran...
  7. Ptflea2

    Ptflea2 Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2015
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    Releasing Folk was a money thing right - saving something close to 4 mil maybe?

    I know he's fallen off a cliff this year, but Folk was a good Jet for us and I hate to see him play so poorly.
  8. grkmanga31

    grkmanga31 Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2009
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    Folk was clutch for the Jets but Macc looks like a genius to have let him go. One thing I always disliked about Folk was the depth on kick offs, felt like more often that not his kicks ended up being returned. In any regard, he'll likely be cut by the Bucs, may be the end of his career after that horrendous showing yesterday.
    HomeoftheJets likes this.
  9. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    Your the delusional one man. the head coach and players aren't worrying about the draft or building. it's the GMs job. the HC is worrying about winning games. If he wanted to evaluate then McCown wouldn't be starting. petty or hack would
  10. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    including Folk!! lol
  11. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    The HC is only worrying about winning and not about developing the young players, and that's the problem. He's not working with Mac and the rebuild. He should be. McCown shouldn't be starting. If the HC and GM aren't on the same page, the team is destined to have problems and not become a consistent winner. I'm sorry that you can't understand that.
  12. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    it doesn't work like that at all. You develop players in practice and came and preseason. not in games. that method is why we seen many talented QBs ruin their careers. david carr is probably the best example
  13. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    This post misses the mark pretty hard.

    You don't develop youth by setting them up to fail. That's not to say there's no way we'd be 3-2 with Petty or Hack behind center, but I think it's a pretty fair assumption that we'd probably lose one or two more games without McCown's accuracy and poise. Either way, the offense is flowing (for the most part) and the younger guys ARE getting their shots. McGuire, the OL, Stewart rotating in and out, ASJ becoming an every down TE, and not for nothing Kearse is only 27.

    Just because we aren't starting a young QB doesn't mean youth isn't developing. You can argue that youth is developing solely because we are starting a vet QB that manages the game and knows how to take control of a huddle. Would I like to see Stewart and Hansen get more reps than Kerley? Yes, but 5 games into their careers, this isn't a bad thing.
  14. ConcordeChops

    ConcordeChops 2018 International Poster Award Winner

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Marcus Williams waived.
  15. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Ding. Ding. Ding. We have a winner folks. Post of the week right there.

    McCown may not be on a Tom Brady or even an All-Pro level but the old vet is playing solid football. A completion percentage of 71.4%? A QB rating of 90.5?

    All of this has been good for the young pups as you mentioned and the likes of Elijah, Seferian-Jenkins, Robby, ArDarius, and Kearse are all gaining experience within a professional offense because that's what McCown is running; a professional offense.

    Start either of Petty or Hack and we'd be seeing an offense running around like chickens with their heads cut off at 110 mph. And that would not be good for the development of these kids. It'll actually stunt their growth.

    McCown is also helping our young defense due to his ability to find open receivers/HB's/TE's while keeping the chains moving (71.4%).

    Look. I wanted either of Hack or Petty to start over McCown so bad during the off-season. I thought McCown was another Fitzpatrick with an old/weak arm in which would cripple & handicap our offense. I was wrong. McCown has an arm with some live zip and he's very calm at the L.O.S and becoming a much needed veteran presence for these young guns.

    If NCJetsFan were actually able to see the Jets games out in N.C he'd probably feel the same ways but he's not getting a chance to actually watch McCown work wonders for these younger players as a veteran presence. If he was able to see the likes of Elijah, Robby, Stewart, Kearse, ASJ & our O-Line gaining experience and DEVELOPING within a professional offense under McCown trust me, he wouldn't be calling for Petty or Hack (as i was doing throughout the off-season) because he'd realize and understand that having a young offense, with a young QB, behind a young O-Line we'd be witnessing an offense running around blindly like chickens with their damn heads cut off and that would be horrible for the development of both of our younger offensive and defensive players. Petty or Hack, as of right now; would stunt the growth & development of this extremely young team.
  16. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I agree that starting Hack at this point would be setting the team and other young players up to fail, but I don't think that is true with Petty in any way, shape, or form. Petty showed lots of poise in preseason and in TC. His accuracy was just as good as McCown's, and Petty has a much better arm than McCown. Even if the Jets had lost another game or two with Petty playing, so what? More than likely, this team isn't winning over 5 games this season anyway. Even if somehow they were able to manage that, they aren't going to the playoffs with McCown at QB. For a rebuilding team like the Jets, the emphasis needs to be on developing the young players, not on W-Ls. In that extra loss or two, Petty could have learned invaluable lessons that would make him a much better QB, and he could then win 1-2 games later that he might have lost otherwise or that McCown would have lost due to his limitations.

    IMO McCown is limiting the offense as much as he is helping it. I can totally understand starting McCown for the first 2-3 games to give the OL a chance to gel and the offense to get working together. I also understand that Bowles is coaching for his career, and doesn't give a hoot at this point about what's best for the Jets in the long run.

    Nowhere have I said that Kearse should be benched. I know that he's still only 27 and can help the team going forward, but they know what he can do. They can safely count on him for the next several seasons if they have him signed or plan to extend him. They don't know what they have in Stewart and Hansen however, and they need to play. I know that Stewart missed a lot of time early in OTAs and I think even TC due to his surgeries. Hansen was also considered a bit of a project, but more and more rookie WRs are playing and making an impact. They no longer need to sit for a year or two. Perhaps it is a little early, but there needs to be a plan to give them increasing playing time as the season progresses imo.

    We all know that QB is THE most important position, and that the Jets HAVE to figure that out. We KNOW that McCown isn't the long-term answer. We don't know yet about Petty and Hack. We need to find out before next offseason so Mac has some solid evidence upon which to make his decisions in FA and the draft. Having veterans like Kearse, Kerley, Powell, and Forté would help Petty. ASJ is a veteran as well. Supposedly, we have a competent QB Coach in Bates and OC in Morton, and they would have called plays to help Petty get in a groove and build his confidence.

    McGuire would probably have gotten a few reps here and there anyway, but do you honestly think that if Forté had stayed healthy that McGuire would have seen as much action as he has? I don't. I think Bowles would have kept trotting Forté out there even though he wasn't contributing a whole lot. Young guys are getting their shot because there are few "gray beards" on the roster. Bowles has no other choice at some positions.
  17. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I agree with you that if Hack was starting, that it would be a disaster. He is obviously not ready to play. He was not very poised at times, he is still struggling with his fundamentals, his accuracy is still bad, and he was not doing a good job of reading Ds. NONE of that is true with Petty. You don't know that the offense would be "running around like chickens with their heads cut off at 110 mph" if Petty was starting. In saying that, you're also demeaning Morton and Bates, which is ridiculous, because you have no basis on which to base that. In fact, both Petty and Hack showed marked improvement over last year under their tutelage, so if anything, the opposite of what you said is true.

    Kearse and ASJ are not rookies. They already have experience in a professional offense. Kearse has played in the playoffs and I think a SB. ASJ started for a couple of years with the Jags. McGuire is probably only gaining a lot of experience due to Forté's injury.
  18. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    good article on big mac

  19. edray10

    edray10 Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2010
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    McCown is not the answer. I've watched all the games this year and, while he has had some good plays, he's a very limited player. He was awful in the Bills' game. He didn't look like an NFL quarterback in the first half of the browns game (50 yards passing). Petty should be starting. Teams are playing 8 and 9 guys in the box and daring the jets to go over the top and, for the most part McCown hasn't been willing to do that. The browns were stacking the line and have been toasted over the top this season and I can't remember a long pass attempt in that game. I like McCown personally and think he's a good guy, but there is absolutely no reason to be starting him. Petty should be starting now (and, if Hack knows the offense then Hack). This 3-2 record is fools gold; they've played crappy teams and been slightly less crappy than most of the teams they've played. The only decent team they played, the Raiders, destroyed them. This is a team going nowhere fast and it is critical for the Jets to figure out whether they have a starting QB on the roster for next year or not. The only way to figure that out is to start Petty or Hack NOW and get them as much NFL experience as possible. Staring McCown is a colossal waste and really bad management of personnel by Bowles.

    The only way McCown should be starting is if you're absolutely sure that neither Petty nor Hack is the answer and if you're sure that they're not the answer then they shouldn't be on the roster.
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  20. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Petty starting now might not be the most optimal move, given the way McCown is playing.

    That said - when should Petty get his shot? I think it would be pretty rare sight, but I'd say only when the Jets are blowing a team out, up by 2+ possessions. We did have such a game - the Dolphags game, mind you - and I would have liked to see Petty trot in during the 4th quarter and get some live experience without risking a damn thing. [That's how Joe got his starts during 80'] Well - that didn't happen. And Jags game had a potential for Petty coming in before the offense blew the whole damn thing up. Browns game was too close again.

    P.S. I can understand why the CS didn't do that just yet. Pulling this stunt this early in the season only signals that McClown is a goner no matter what after the season - the last kind of message you want to send to your starting signal caller. So - this would have to wait until at least the second half of the season, when dusts settle down and the goal of the team becomes clearer.

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