Mac looks good after player purge (How X Jets are doing)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by BudJet, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. This regime has been dismissive & bordering on Standoffish about the elephant in the room of fixing the QB position from the very get go.

    MAC is either gunshy,misguided or clueless while Bowles just wants a veteran so he can keep trying to win w defense.

    I had hope going into this year that they’d finally acknowledge this issue & at least lay the groundwork for change but it’s been the opposite.No transparency w the fans & the same buttoned up conservative play not to lose crap which establishes nothing for future teams..and next to zero acknowledgement or urgency to fix it.

    This regime needs to go..the sooner the better.They absolutely screwed up a year that was already assumed to be shitty.
    ColoradoContrails and LAJet like this.
  2. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    Having a head coach that does not report to the GM is idiocy at it's worst.

    Can we hold Bowles responsible for failing to play the young guys so he ends up with a slightly better record? Absolutely

    Can we hold Mac accountable for the failure of his draft picks to get playing time? Not so sure about that.

    Petty could be the next Peyton Manning or the next Ryan Leaf for all we know. It's not like he got a fair chance in training camp. Hack was clearly not ready but still got twice as many snaps in practice.

    While they may appear to show a United front it is very hard to guess what Mac is all about.
  3. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Most regimes do this.

    Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
    FJF likes this.
  4. grkmanga31

    grkmanga31 Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2009
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    My guess is that Petty's audition for starter ended last season when he got injured while starting. He showed flashes but not nearly enough to make either Bowles or Macc think he's anything more than a backup. That doesn't mean I personally agree with that thought process, just stating what I think their thought process is.

    Moreover, Hack was a 2nd round pick and so naturally you would want the higher drafted player to pan out so you can look like a genius and you can finally have an answer at QB. Neither happened, so Jets gave Hack a fair shot. Petty saw a fair amount of time last season, and flashed in preseason versus much lesser competition.

    Maccagnan scouting QB's as rigorously as he has does mean the writing is on the wall for both Hack and Petty. It's evident that they don't think either of them are the future.
  5. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Except for Bowles needing to go, I pretty much disagree with your entire post. I think Mac's plan was to get a QB. I think he knew Fitz and thought he'd be a one-year stopgap period. Having seen Fitz in Houston, he knew that he could play pretty well at times, but there's no way he could have seen that Fitz would have a career year or that QB salaries would suddenly skyrocket. He showed how little he wanted Fitz back with his initial offers to Fitz. I think that he was eventually forced to re-sign Fitz by pressure from Woody, Bowles, the players, and the fanbase.

    2015 Draft
    In the 2015 draft, neither TB nor Tennessee were trading down with the Jets. Which QB would you have had the Jets take rather than Petty? Mac was also saddled with Bradway and the previous Scouting Dept. in this draft, but in terms of the QB position it didn't really appear to have had a negative impact on the QB position.

    2016 Draft
    In the 2016 draft, the Jets could have possibly traded up for either Goff or Wentz. We don't know if Mac tried and was rebuffed, or he really didn't like either as well as Hackenberg. I don't think that Goff has enough arm to play for the Jets or any team in the NE and think it likely that Mac and the scouts thought the same way. Wentz was from a small school and could have been overwhelmed with being on a big stage in NYC. He also only had a season and a half of starting experience. I can understand why Mac may have been hesitant about Wentz, but I wanted the Jets to get Wentz. If Mac chose Hack over Wentz then that was definitely a mistake.

    I can understand why Mac liked Hack...prototypical size, cannon for an arm, had a great football IQ, had run a pro-style offense at 18 well, had great character and loyalty, and had some mobility. I also understand why many Jets fans hated the pick. If it worked out, Mac would have looked like a genius. Even if Hack failed, it was only a 2nd round pick, not a high 1st. Dak Prescott is the only other QB from that draft that's done anything in the NFL, and he was a complete surprise. Every team passed on him. Now that Zeke Elliott is not playing, Prescott has come crashing back to earth. I believe that the truth of the matter is that even if Mac had taken Prescott, the Jets would be in the same situation. Bowles was gonna go with veterans. He had no interest in playing a young QB. Gailey evidently had no interest in developing or ability to develop a young QB, based on Morton's comment that both Petty and Hack were like rookies. We know that isn't because Petty and Hack haven't worked hard. They are both known as hard workers, and Petty is supposedly the first one there every morning. I think the problem is the org chart. Mac has to work with Bowles rather than be his boss. If Mac was Bowles' boss, I feel confident that both Petty and Hack would be a lot further along in their development unless Gailey and Kevin Patullo were just flat out incompetent, and that Petty or Hack would have been starting this year.

    2017 Draft
    Mac could have drafted Mahomes or Watson, in the 1st, or DeShone Kizer, Davis Webb, CJ Beathard, Joshua Dobbs, or Nathan Peterman. Mahomes wasn't ready to play in the NFL and was coming from a spread offense. Watson probably was, but imo had a lower ceiling than Mahomes and doesn't really have the arm to play in the NE. It's possible that Watson may have beaten out McCown, but I doubt it. Watson couldn't even beat out the stiff (Savage) in Houston. Many Jets fans seem to have forgotten that. Kizer hasn't looked good in Cleveland, I'm not sure if Webb, Beathard, or Dobbs have played or even made the team that drafted them, and Peterman had a 5 interception first half in his big start. Do you really think any of those guys would have started for Bowles? I don't. IMO Mac is doing the best he can to build the team. In the meantime, he's trying to win the Johnson's trust and help them see that Bowles is not a competent HC and isn't working to develop the young QBs they have. I think he's biding his time until Bowles is fired, and Mac can name his own HC, over whom he will have authority and then he can go get a FQB for the team.

    IMO there is zero evidence to suggest that Mac is "dismissive" or "standoffish" about fixing the QB problem. In order to fix the QB problem, one has to actually have a chance to draft a QB that one believes in. We don't know for certain if he believed in or liked Goff or Wentz. Maybe he did but was rebuffed in trying to trade up, or maybe he thought the cost was too steep for those prospects as they weren't topflight prospects. It's also entirely possible that he thought that this year would be the year to draft a QB if neither Petty nor Hack had shown enough. I think Mac believed that one or both should have played last year. I certainly think it's very likely that Mac would have ordered that Petty or Hack start this year had he been able to. If one or both played well, great, the Jets had their QB. If not, then he would know and would have been in good position to draft a topflight QB prospect. Due to the org charg, Bowles and his CS screwed Mac's plan. With Bowles favoring vets to protect his job and his getting to decide who plays, it doesn't matter who Mac may have drafted this year, he'd have sat on the bench like Petty and Hack. In addition, Morton is a rookie OC. I'm sure that he wants to remain an OC, if not have a shot at becoming a HC. He had enough to worry about being a first-time OC, without having to worry about playing and developing a young QB who was a rookie for all intents and purposes. Having McCown makes his job a lot easier and makes him look better.

    With that being the case, why should Mac have rolled the dice on Watson or Mahomes when they would have just been sitting, and Jets fans would be saying the same thing about either one that they said about Petty and Hack (that they suck because they can't beat out McCown), and have missed out on adding a potential HOF level safety to the team?

    Finally, Mac is supposedly scouting all the QBs hard this season. If he was dismissive and standoffish about the QB position as you claim, he wouldn't be doing that. I think he took fliers on Petty and Hack hoping that one could develop, but if not, it wouldn't be a big loss, and when there was a draft with a number of better prospects where the team was in position to get one (either by virtue of their draft position or by trading up where it wouldn't cost so much) he planned to strike. Don't forget that there were a ton of holes on this team, and there was a lot of older, expensive players that needed to be released or traded before the team would be ready to be competitive.
    #205 NCJetsfan, Nov 27, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2017
    thedrjay and Noam like this.
  6. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    louder, for the people in the back ...
    Jets_Grinch, FJF, Noam and 1 other person like this.

  7. I don't think anything you said is wrong here..i just have a fundamental disagreement on how a GM should attack the QB position for THIS team. For one, you can't win in today's league without one...secondly the drama surrounding the history & current state of the position has become so magnified that its become a detriment to the team's entire operation & brand;And that was 3 years ago when he took the job!

    If I'm the GM of this team nothing comes before Quarterback...if there's a franchise QB to be had & the asking price be it $ or assets is in this stratosphere I pounce no questions asked.Your argument holds more weight if Wentz,Goff,Trubisky & Watson haven't at least checked the boxes of showing promise & ability to lead early on. As a long suffering fan starved for a competent passing offense & QB to get's real simple:

    In the last 3 years have multiple franchise potential QB's come into the league?Yes. Does one of them reside on the Jets? No.That's a capital offense in my eyes. When you factor in that the overall offense might be WORSE than it was when he took over 3 years ago...sorry he gets no sympathy from me.He's not on Bowles level of fault...and I'm not opposed to one more draft w. him to try & right his wrongs.But objectively speaking he's failed to get the Jets a QB when one's have been available & he his offense sucks as currently constructed. When he took over that's the number one thing fans wanted to see drastic improvement from both coaching & personnel.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  8. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    This is basically fair, and no one said that we had to agree on this.

    There were no franchise QBs to be had in 2015 aside from Winston and Mariota, and they weren't available, so Mac has had 2 drafts in which to get a FQB. The two best in 2016 Wentz and Goff had a lot of risks involved.

    I think that the Sanchez failure may have influenced Mac. I think he had little interest in Trubisky who had only one year of starting experience, and Wentz only had 1 1/2 years of starting experience. IMO you don't trade the ranch to move up for a QB with little experience. If he had and had missed, the Jets would have been screwed for the next 3-7 years Because he would have had to trade multiple years' #1 and or #2 picks to move up. Not only then would they have had no high draft picks to fix other positions on the team, but they still wouldn't have a QB, and wouldn't have the pick to get one. Mahomes and Watson had 2-2 1/2 years starting experience. Wentz played in several games his freshman year, but don't think he started. He broke his wrist his senior season, so really only had 2 1/2 years of starting experience. That's better than Trubisky, but still not great. Goff had 3 years starting experience. Ideally if you're going to give up a lot of picks to move up for a QB, he'd have at least 3 years of starting experience, if not 4.

    Goff and Watson just don't have the arm for the NE imo, only Wentz, Mahomes and maybe Trubisky do.

    IMO that leaves only Mahomes as legit QB prospect, as Mac wouldn't have had to trade up a bunch to get him, but even he didn't have all that much starting experience, and was coming from the Texas Tech spread system where there have been a slew of QBs who put up big numbers and none of whom succeeded in the NFL. If Mac had taken Mahomes, do you think things would have been any different?

    Who was the QB that Mac was supposed to move heaven and earth to get?
  9. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    Show of hands.

    With all of the talk about our handling of the QB position, who else besides me would be excited if we used our first round pick on Quenton Nelson?
  10. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    If we get cousins sign me up.
    If not, depends on how things play out above us
  11. Better than going D & OT will be necessity moving forward..but no it doesn’t excite me in the least.OL no longer control the LOS & solely allow skill players to make plays.

    I’d view it as par for the course.Jets think they can win w defense like it’s still the 70s..they likely think offense is still about winning the line of scrimmage.They are either incapable of scouting top end skill or don’t value it.

    Again OT is a major need and issue that must be addressed.But if you’re tellling me we miss on a QB,and a explosive skill type..I see this as rinse & repeat.

    Definitely can see it happening though.Cousins in FA & OT in the draft. Folks will get excited but it will be the same old mediocre offense
    #211 KurtTheJetsFan, Nov 27, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2017
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  12. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    these are not mediocre stats:
    249 376 66.2 34.2 3,038 8.1 276.2 19 6 145 38.6 74 45 8 31 101.1
    sign cousins draft the notre dame tackle with the returning skill players this team has, an upgrade at center and this team is instant contender.
    NYJFOREVER and 101GangGreen101 like this.
  13. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Yep..but hold out hope for Mac..he tried to solve QB with Hack but that was stupid

    if we go 4-12 he will HAVE to make an intelligent QB move or be fired ...he should tell Toilet to shadup and go f^ck himself in the corner
  14. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    so you'll be talking the same way about Mac if things don't go your way next year. Got it.

    Man, Mac supporters ain't really Mac supporters at all.
    FJF likes this.
  15. I realize this opinion is out there.I simply don’t buy it.Washington has been just as desperate for a FQB as we have & have surrounded him w Desean Jackson,Alfred Morris,Jordan Reed among others to go along w Trevor Williams & good OL.

    So why is it they won’t commit to a Cousins long term?Because the price tag doesn’t add up.He maybe slightly above average but he doesn’t raise the play of those around him;And as we’ve already seen a quality surrounding cast doesn’t alleviate the issue.

    Sorry he maybe “good” but he’s not matching up w any of the ELITE QBs.Ive lived through Neil O’Donnell & Boomer Esiason already..and in odonnel’s Case the shitty contract..I see this as EXACTLY the same

    But need not worry..I expect the Jets & esp Bowlesto be all in on him..he is afterall a veteran
    NCJetsfan and ColoradoContrails like this.
  16. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    washington has been trying to lock him up, he does not want to be there. and he is putting those numbers up this year, with no alfred morris, djax or any real viable wr, and a jordan reed that has played 6 games and a rushing attack on it’s 3rd rb and ranked 18th in the league. This jet team is playoff bound this year with cousins and a threat every year he is here.
    Jet fans are so beaten they are afraid to get nice things
    NYJFOREVER and 101GangGreen101 like this.
  17. Well I think Washington wants to sign him to a reasonable deal.Maybe Alittle too reasonavble but nonetheless..

    If he was signing for a reasonable deal & the door was still open for a high celing QB in round 1 I’d see no reason to be against it.

    But I don’t see anyway he comes here w.o an extremely lucrative cap encompassing move nor do I see this regime leaving the door open for a QB in the draft once Cousins is in the fold. If Cousins doesn’t work out then we likely look back at 2018 as the draft that got away from us in terms of QB play.i suppose we can just easily flop on the drafted QB as W Cousins..but in my opinion we’ve been down this road before w veteran QBs & a 1st round QB has the possibility of being a difference maker at QB;I think Cousins is solid but not a difference maker
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  18. GreenGreek

    GreenGreek Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    If he can slide to C, I'd be on board. Else, I'd rather get an OT.
  19. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    Cousins is the only thing keeping Washington from being right there with the 9ers ,browns and giants at the top of the draft. Not a difference maker? He is carrying them to what success they will have. But your right we have been down that road before so we should definitely pick a qb in the first instead because that has worked for us before
  20. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    With no #1 WR, no starting-caliber RB, questionable at best OTs, and no pass rush to speak of, you want to use a top 10 and possibly a top 5 draft pick on an OG? SMH

    Nelson's a great prospect, no doubt about it, but if there isn't a QB or player at one of the other positions I just listed worthy of being taken that high, then the Jets should trade down. In addition, two of the Jets top 5 paid players in 2018 are Carpenter and Winters. Unless Carpenter's play has dropped sharply this season, he has been their best and most consistent OL. Should they just cut him? He is due, $6,805,000. If they cut him, they would save $4.7 million on the cap but take a $2.105 million dead money hit. They just signed Winters to a big extension. I'd be shocked if they cut him. He is due $7 million next season. They would save nothing and would take a $7 million dead money hit. He's going nowhere. That situation is already bad enough. Evidently you've forgotten several years ago when a lot of the Jets cap was tied up in their OL and they had no money for elite playmakers on either side of the ball.

    Thus, if the Jets didn't have a lot of money tied up already at the OG spot, and had the other positions above filled with quality starters, it would be great to add Nelson; otherwise, it would be idiotic imo. If the Jets are unable to trade up for Rosen, Darnold stays in school (or the Jets are unable to trade up for him), if Mayfield is taken or the Jets don't like him, and Barkley, Chubb, or Connor Williams is there at the Jets' pick and there is no other QB worthy of being taken that high or that they like that much, then they have to take either Barkley, Williams, or Chubb or trade down. Calvin Ridley and Arden Key should also be considerations before Nelson.
    #220 NCJetsfan, Nov 28, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2017

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