Lowry was only weak pick

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by tomdeb, Apr 27, 2008.

  1. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    if he does'nt do well this year, mangini's gonna be recovering from a broken jaw!
  2. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    I didn't see any links. I got three supposed examples and the only name that was farmiliar was Kiper. Then some other guy claims that these three examples which may or may not actually exist constitue a consensus. The "consensus" is what I laughed at. I wouldn't be surprised if a couple guys guessed that Keller would go draft one if they did a mock very close to draft day but this guy cam out of nowhere and was climbing the charts going into the draft. There was no consensus among the experts, and certainly not among the fans on this board that Keller was worth a first rounder. To 40 maybe but not a first rounder. After the pick, all of these new Keller fans magically show up on the board and claim that they knew all along that this guy would be great. That is why I accuse them of making up stories because there was no consensus on Keller and they are making gross exaggerations.

    I don't like the pick and in my book it is a reach. That does not mean that he will fail but if you guys have a problem with my view than present facts. I provided links to support my case. Also, most people who have been on this board know that Keller was not the subject of all that many pre draft threads.
  3. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Then again all the mock drafts I had seen had atleast one, and generally 2 or 3 WR's going in round 1 and not one did. NONE. The fact is this years WR draft while fairly deep was also without any elite or semi elite recievers, the difference between the number 1 seed and number 15 seed in the WR class were pretty close, none had all the tools and all had some pretty glaring weaknesses. Fact is that many sites had keller ranked as the number 1 TE or near the top of the TE list, that He had a better 40 time than 2 of the top 10 receivers and was within 3/10ths of a second of 3 or 4 other of the top 10 receivers, depending on who a particular site considered the top 10 WR's. In short at TE he's as essentially as fast or faster than half of the top 10 WR's this year, with better hands than a number of them and the ability go go into the middle.

    At 6'2 he's taller than 6 or 7 of the top 10 (depending on the top 10 list again) and at 242 he carries more mass than any of the top 10 WR's on any list. Put all those factors together with the lack of an Elite WR and he's hands down a better choice than any of the WR's in the draft this year, atleast of the projected top 10 WR's. Now it's always possible that one of the lower ranked WR's step up as a gem in the rough and really shines, but that all said he's a good pick.

    If your going to use Mock's as the reason Keller wasn't a first round draft you're going to have to come up with a defense as to why Not one WR went in the first round when all mocks had atleast 1 WR in the mid first round. Using mocks as a basis for an overdraft is a weak argument.

    Infact regarding your challenge "I challenge anyone to present a pre-combine mock from any mock expert (someone objective that we know of) that has Keller in the first round."

    I challenge you to find one mock draft that was even 50% right on the players taken in the first round after the first 6 picks, never mind getting the team right, just the players.
  4. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Different front office. Fatal mistake to assume all regimes are the same.

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