well If our pass rush isn't going to come around for more than one more game, might as well be todays right? I want to see the mighty pats flounder in the terrible weather, we don't have to win, I just want the Pats scared to death that they almost lost again. I want us to be the more physical team, and I want them hurting so that hopefully in week 17 the Giants can knock them off... Of course sadly I actually think this weekend is the best chance left for a Pats loss... If wwe don't beat them today in this weather, I am betting nobody does it in the regular season...
All options look more or less like reaches, but I take the best pass rushing OLB. Groves, Gholston or whoever that is.
i say trade down with dallas. they are wet over mcfadden and we can stockpile picks to fill our many many many holes
so if mcfadden is gone dallas is going to trade up to not get him? did you read any part of the thread?