True, real change would take a concerted effort by a large part of the population to know what is actually going on but they are too busy playing Pokeman Go or wondering what the Kardashians are doing every waking moment. Too much money out there now, what does it cost to buy a Presidency now, $1B. Amazing that most people don't even flinch hearing something like that. Things were bad before 2010 but Citizens United might as well have just given corporations a desk in the oval office. John Hinkley Jr. is getting released though, maybe have to put him to work.
I'm glad he's targeting Bernie supporters. Every Bernie supporter who votes Johnson or Stein is another helping third parties become a thing, and another not voting for crooked Hillary. Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
I've pulled the lever for the libertarian party the last 2 elections and plan on doing it again. I just look at it as voting for the candidate that best aligns with my ideaology regardless of his chance to win.
Not sure if Johnson and Weld are winning me over with their policy or if I am blinded by Hillary and Trump. I'm watching the town hall on CNN, and I'm buying what Gary Johnson and William Weld are selling.
I was going to say Weld really impressed me. I think how they say they are looking at it, as a joint venture, is a smart tactic, if one of them is stronger on a subject that person handles it. I knew Johnson was not the greatest speaker so knew he would have some slip ups but still think they both looked pretty good. I think the both showed well enough tonight to get some fence sitters but not quite well enough to gain too much support from those that have already decided. Hopefully the support they gain tonight helps put them above the 15% threshold and into the debates. My recording did cut off after an hour so not sure how much I missed at the end.
I didn't think about it at the time but some of the remarks about Trump could get on Trump's radar which would ultimately give them some good exposure. No major remarks but maybe enough to make Trump throw some twitter remarks at them.
I don't think Trump gives a shit about them. Johnson has publicly called Trump a pussy twice already during the election cycle.