VG didn't give a crap about the game of football. Lee to me looks to have a much different personality.
The image I have of Lee is in the last Miami game. The Jets front got pressure on Moore (the backup QB who hadn't started an NFL game in 5 years) causing him to throw up a dying quail pass for about 30 yards to the 1 yd line. I saw that pass and said to myself: wow, that ball is going to be intercepted. When the ball game down (about 5 minutes later) there was Lee, sprawled on the ground at the feet of the TE (can't even remember his name), walking the ball in for another of his 3 TD's that day. I'll say this: forget 1st round pick, Lee has an awfully long way to go just to be mediocre.
What player on our defense hasn't been in that exact sequence this year though? lol!! Revis has plenty of times, Williams has, that kid #27 has... still don't know his name.. Skrine has, Pryor has, Gilchrist has... when is it time to blame the coach ("THE DEFENSIVE MASTERMIND") for having all of these players constantly out of position? Also, I don't know who started this stuff about Lee calling the plays but I feel like Harris would still be the guy doing that as long as he's here and on the field.
Playing well??? I question really how some of you people are even watching the same games as most of us. There is a reason he has ranked so low on PFF. He has been horrible this year with mistackles, bad angles, and terrible coverages. If coverage isn't his thing, where is the pass rushing ability? Every single time he rushes, he gets stonewalled by the opposing tackle. He has literally been pulled from the game on 3 different occasions due to his play ala Dee Milliner. People want so hard to wish and well that draft picks work out but in reality, a lot of them don't. However, he is nowhere near as inept as Goulston was and he can also improve but some of his bad isn't all just inexperience.
Only Jets fans use the rookie excuse when other rookies are dominating this season.Its hard to judge him while the entire team is playing bad though.
Hes a rookie and i don't expect all-pros out of the gate, he's explosive and has made a couple of plays, give the guy a break. And no i don't get the luxury of watching every single play of every single game but from what I've seen I've liked and am willing to let him be a rookie. I rather him be out there making mistakes and learning from them than not having him out on the field at all
lol when PFF grades somebody high we all be like "PFF sucks" when PFF grades a jet player low, we all be like "fucking A...check this shit out!!!"
Geez, the entire defense was running around like the proverbial "half-fucked fox in a forest fire" all freaking year, and we're dumping on one of the few players who showed some heart? J.F.C. On the passing plays I saw him get beaten on, he was with the receiver all the way. He didn't get his hands on the pass because of poor position relative to the ball (and I admit he wasn't beaten by perfect passes) but that can be overcome by coaching.* He can learn better technique, but the important part is he was there in the first place. The glass is half-full here, IMO. *assuming of course we can find someone who can coach LB's ...
I think that Lee has all the making of an excellent LB; the problem is that he is not being used or motivated properly.
Well, there's definitely something to be said for poor coaching in Lee's very subpar rookie season. It's a good point. But what I am getting at is that the pick should not have been made to begin with. I think based on this seasons failures of the team overall, we could safely say that the Jets needed an "immediate contributor" a plug and play guy that would hit the ground running. Lee is NOT that guy. Right from the beginning I thought to myself this is an extremely risky to begin with and I knew he would not fit that "immediate contributor" mold. Either way the pick just put the team farther behind the 8 ball. Given the playoff type schedule we had this year, I saw disaster written all over it....
He has shown promise and that's all that matters at this point. If he'd shown nothing on the field, I'd be concerned. The coaching staff started to put Lee as the main Mike around the Indy game and it went very badly. Hopefully, the coaches learned from this and put him in a position that he will succeed next year.
I'm still trying to hold onto hope that Lee will become a good player for us. History however, tells me he will probably suck. We had 13 first and second round picks between 2010 - 2015 and an astonishing 10 of the 13 can barely play in the league, or flat out can't play at all ... Devin Smith - can't play Calvin Pryor - barely Jace Amaro - can't play Dee Milliner - can't play Geno Smith - barely Quentin Coples - can't play Stephen Hill - can't play Kendrick Ellis - can't play Kyle Wilson - barely Vlad Ducassse - can't play When you waste 1st and 2nd round picks every fucking draft on disasters like that, THIS is where you end up. It's hard to think the 2016 picks of Lee and Hackenberg will be any different.