Damn. I need to stop leaving the country. Last time I let and came back Dware was banned. Now Mr.E and 624. Next time I do this we may lose junc.
624 was Perma banned too?!?!?!?! What happened because I don't even see that banned thread anymore. That really sucks, Mr. E., Jam and 624 are 3 big draft posters, let alone Jet posters. The draft forum, one of the few forums I even go to on this site took a large hit and I gotta say its hurt my interest in the website as such.
The problem is most, or all, of those 13 year olds you talk about are actually grown men who are in fact very stupid and don't know what they are talking about, which waters down the discussion. It gets hard to sort through 40 posts of garbage and people saying "I hate Mark Sanchez!!!!!!" and similar mindless crap when trying to find the posts that have some value. There are many good posters here, but there are far more bad ones, or ones that just come and go and offer nothing other than to come in and vent about the players they don't like after a tough loss. Like I said in an earlier post here.. this is the internet. If you can't take some guy on the INTERNET that you don't know in REAL LIFE calling you a faggot or saying you should die in a fire, and you feel the need to tattle on him like we are in 2nd grade, then you have some much bigger issues in your life that you need to fix than looking bad on a Jets message board. But anyway.. who else was banned besides 624 and Mr. Electric?
Don't get it twisted. Mr. E may have been an arrogant dick head at times, but he knew football. His knowledge is a loss to the board. This will become extremely obvious once we start talking about the draft.
Jam, Vorrecht and Miamipuck (the last two for much shorter periods, I believe). I've all but given up reading the Jets forum for three or four days after a loss, it just becomes a massive pile of unreadable shite. Its moderation used to be the likes of Mr E, NDmick, MB and IJR telling them they were being dicks. Now that's not happening, it's not worth wading through the crap for the one or two decent discussions; after a few days it dies down and it's possible to find a sensible conversation if you look hard enough and ignore the shit that's still floating around.
that's how little you know. Nobody is going to step foot into The Walking Dead thread now that Mr. E is gone. I just don't know how this board will go on. but we must try, dammit!!!! we must!!!!
The thing is we've lost some very good posters over the years for various reasons and the board has always gone on. I'm in no way comparing but losing Green Guy was a big loss for the board but the board survived. Obviously the mods have to police certain issues but I think as a whole we're pretty lenient. My personal feeling is every person that is being referred to as an idiot has every right to say that Sanchez Sucks if they feel the need. This is a message board for Jets football, nobody is forcing you to read the bad threads. I know what posters I skim through what they write and what posters I read everything they post like it's the gospel.
What a glorious heap of horseshit. There aren't twelve members here, there are twelve THOUSAND. And while not everyone is as active and wonderful as those who CHOSE to leave the board by their own conduct, there is more than enough talent and football knowledge to carry on. As has been proved time and time and time again.