:lol: :lol: Oh boy.... Alio warned me earlier in this thread not to bother.... Should have listened :lol:
I agree w/ your first paragraph of this post. you ignored the pics that show he still carries the ball under his hand just like his days at oregon. Again, I never said this would prevent kellen from becoming a good QB, I just broke down his game a bit and those were a few things that concerned me. Obviously he has some technique issues but like I mentioned a while ago some QBs have great mechanics and stin, some have poor mechanics and are great. KC doesn't have awful mechanices but his mechanics are far from great and it COULD be an issue. It's too soon to tell. Did you look at the pics? did you see what was written? Sapre your nonsense and go back and read and look at the pics. if you think his motion is perfect you know NOTHING about passing a football. beamen has admitted that through the course of these posts but now you and your lack of knowldge comes in here to try to fan the flames. He doesn't throw from the hip and his hand is never on top of theball the way KC's hand is. When you start listening to know nothings like Alio and Ollie then you know you are in trouble. We both obviously have some knowledge on this subject, you originally stated he had perfect form but you have since amended that comment which I commend you for. He slings the ball from the hip, he throws a little sidearm. These are not HUGE issues but they are issues and he has far from great form. you have admitted tht and the pics you posted have helped my argument as none of the QBs start their motion from the hip and hold their hand above the ball. You can fool folks like winston, Ollie, alio and abyzmul but you can't fool me.
Nice gay avatar by the way... 2 college boys one with the others package rubbing on him.... you trying to tell everyone something?
Junc, your personal attacks are really working my nerves now. I'm a "know nothing"? Do you even realize that NO ONE agrees with you anymore? You've let it become a part of your internet persona that you can't possibly be wrong. Problem with that is, you are, often, if not always lately. FYI, Beaman never said he was wrong. He gave you an inch that Clemens starts slightly sidearm, and you went and took a yard from that. He never said you were right, and he wouldn't, because you're wrong. Clemens' mechanics are good. You just wouldn't know a quality throw if it hit you in the thumb.
MY PERSONAL ATTACKS???? Are you serious? it's ok for you guys to attack me EVERY SINGLE day though, right? i don't care if a single person agrees w/ me. I am backing up my posts, you are not. You gusy say he has perfect form,you don't have a clue what you are talking about. it has been shown in this thread and the only person w/ any knowledge on the subject(beamen) came around and admitted it. it's easy to see, he starts to low,he whips the ball, his shouler isn't parallel. that's 0 for 3 and indisputable. if you ever want to throw the ball around in the parking lot at a game let me know, I'll show you how to throw a football b/c it's clear you don't know how to do it.
When it comes to being fooled there are two catagories of people. 1) All of the people some of the time 2) Some of the people all of the time If you're not in one of those catagories you are simply a fool.
You are simply presenting photos to try and support an opinion. Commenting on a still shot from some angle regarding a trigger mechanism which Beaman showed is not very uncommon from other great QB's. You have no idea of the angle from which the shots were taken with his arm back and cocked to even comment on how over the top or side arm his delivery is. You have no knowledge of the throwing lane or the adjustment that he may be making with his arm. I don?t even think you understand that it?s physically impossible to throw completely over the top it?s simply a matter of degree? You don't even know if he is pulling back from center or moving the ball from in front in shot gun to his cocked and throwing position. To say your proof is indisputable is a testament to just how little knowledge you have about the physics of the real world we live in. Nobody has an issue with your opinion Junc it's what you consider facts that are at issue. It would be a far more interesting discussion if you didn't feel the need to pump up your ego by claiming irrefutable facts which are clearly nothing but images that you choose to present without any understanding of what you are really seeing.
That's b/c, much like the ARod issue, you don't have an argument. At least w/ Arod you have some stats to slightly help yor case but in this issue you don't have a clue. if you thinkhe hs perfect form you were never taught or just never learned how to throw a football. you guys have blown up a minor issue here, I did nothing but praise KC but I had a few minor problems w/ him which included some flaws in his technique. That's all, I'm happy w/ KC, I'm rooting for him. As much as I love Chad and appreciate wat he did if he never plays for us again it will mean KC is pretty damn good and that's what I'm rooting for. If I had viedo I'd post it, we have all watched him throw. I can't help it if i key in on things like that. it's not a major issue but he has technique flaws and it isuncommon from other top QBs. They don't whip it from the hip, their hands don't get on top of the ball when beginning their delivery. watch him next week, you'll notice it. His arm should never be that low and his hand should ever beon top of the ball like that. not at any point in his delvery should it be like that, will it happen w/ other QBs from time to time? of course but it consistently happens w/ KC. That is true. you don't have to throw perfectly over the top but his throws are a itl more sidearm than i'd like and I'm sure the CS feels the same way. I am not basing this just off the photos, it's off watching him live but i don't have the clips to post. This is where you guys get nuts. All I did was post an opinion, an educated opinion th has been proven factual, and a few guys basicall called me an idiot and said I did't know what i was talking about when clearly I o and I backed up my opinion. Why is it ok to attack me but when I fire back there is a problem?