Obama on the Supreme Court could happen in a Hillary Presidency if she wins a landslide. That's what it would take to get to the 58 Democrats that might find 2 GOP Senators ready to defect on the cloture vote.
Just because you have an opinion, doesn't mean you're right. That's something that seems to be lost on you regularly. Probably because you suck your own dick.
Looks like some people can get away with irrelevant comments for which others would be put on "time out."
^ It certainly is an irrelevant comment. I thought it was obtuse to ponder whether Obama would want to be a Supreme. The I thought humorous comment was more on the surface, as in what if... NSN didn't seem to get that, and would rather engage in personal attack. It's only Wednesday, but he might consider taking the rest of the week off to regroup.
I of course concede I don't know if Obama would want that for himself. But if it happened, it would be the ultimate in what goes around comes around, and payback is a bitch. Of course there is precedent for it, as William Howard Taft was not only both but was also the Chief Justice. Of course he had been a federal judge and the solicitor general before he became president.
Can you imagine if she wins and, after the GOP gave the voters the right to vote on this as they put it, they would filibuster her choice coming right after the elections, with the position left open for nearly a year? That's how they would want to start it off? I wouldn't put it past those scumbags.
Here's the plan. Obama nominates himself to the Supreme Court. The Senate takes no action, and he then appoints himself, resigns as HC of the USA and puts Joe Biden in charge, and takes his seat on the Court. WOOP, there it is. Who has the constitutional authority to stop this?
Just a question: could Obama legally appoint himself to the Supreme Court as a recess appointment, resigning the Presidency in the process and turning it over to Joe Biden? I'm not sure on the legalities involved. It would be funny as hell if it happened. Even Trump would lose news cycles to that one.
I would not be sure he could appoint himself. The language does not specifically say that he cannot, of course, but I suppose one could say in general that one cannot nominate one's self. Like under Roberts' rules of order. Right? But he could clearly resign and have Biden appoint him as a recess appointment. That is beyond question.