Thanks for serving the country, looks awesome. side-note conspiracy - by having Santonio sign that plaque, do you think that hints at him being a jet for a little while longer?
I don't get it. How did the Jets know to give you that? What's the background story of how you got this? How many do they give out, and to whom? Sorry for the 20 questions, but dammit I'm curious!
Thanks for your service OP. I'm jealous of that awesome gift. If you went to Nam, thank you. I think of it as the war we should've finished.
First day to sleep in and still woke up early. A Lt Col I work with wrote a letter to the Jets organization saying I was retiring and how big of a fan I was. They didn't actually ask for anything, but within two weeeks of sending the letter they received a packet with the items inside. They then they took the packet to the Base hobby shop where a custom frame was made. Shows how classy the Jets organization is and they were very quick to reply. Wife said I can hang it in the living room, just need to clear a spot. Also, nope not a sniper or any glorious job like that, sad to say just a Logistics specialist and my last job was a compliance inspector/auditor. Thank for all the great comments. Was so happy to get it, I just wanted to share with all of you.
Logistics! You may say 'just' a logistics specialist, but as far as I am concerned, the following statement is always true: An infantry marches on its stomach, and fights with shovel. One heck of an achievement it is! Congratulations. P.S. By the way, did they honor you with any type of medal at all? Say, when I was leaving Cp. Bonifas in Korea, I was awarded ARCOM.
This... I love sports plaques, I have a nice collection myself. If that were mine, it would be my prized one. Thank you JetsFan for your devotion to our nation. Having friends who are in the service, I know you don't need recognition, but those outside the service see the sacrifices you make. Thank you again.
this is wonderful!! thank you for your years of service and congratulations on getting a prized spot in the living room
Yeah the Air force doesn't have Special Forces does it? Anyway stay the hell out of the way or I will put you on the list too.
At least you didn't ask if he was a pilot. Anyone who has spent any time at all in the Air Force knows that this is the #1 dumb question people ask when you tell them you are an airman.
Congratulations, and thanks to you. Great job by the Jets, too. As for another job, the Jets need a strength and conditioning coach.