reply to you diiint been entertained since cleveland but now its time to put some closure on this issue...
Wait wait wait, you registered for the sole purpose of 'putting to rest' an issue that hadn't even been discussed or probably even thought about by most people here for at least 72 hours. You bumped a 3-day old thread with your 'first post'. A thread that has little to do with the Jets and a lot to do with one person that most of us could care less about. So what part of the country do you live in, BabyJet?
considering the accent "you di'int", i probably live closer to jets headquarters than the bang barn you describe in omaha. that's classic. go jets!
If you had actually read the post instead of glimpsing it to make a pathetic attempt at flaming me, you'd realize I was stationed there in the military years ago.
Just want to clarify before I check out. Believe me, I read your post more than once. And of all the posts I read in that thread, I thought yours was the most hilarious. That?s why I shared it with 3 other people. Even though its not clear where you are from based on your post, I originally suspected from the accent in ?you di?int? that you were from somewhere north of the Mason Dixon line. I never inferred that you were from Omaha; I only noted that I was ?closer to Jets? headquarters than the bang barn in Omaha?. Re: my ?pathetic attempt at flaming? you. Where I come from it would be called a ?dis?, which it wasn?t meant to be. And there is no way I would call you ?flaming? since based on your barn bang, you clearly are not. In light of the Jets? loss, I?m curious to know where Ohio Pork stands?most likely west of Pennsyltucky.
LOL. You should have switched allegiance to the Cardinals for you would have experienced a conference championship.
Never mind how you do it. The bigger question is, why TF would you want to do it? Somebody actually has that much time on their hands that they go back through thread history and pull up something from months and even years ago? I don't get it.
I remembered the thread, but did not perform the search for it. Check the Chris Baker thread from last night and you'll see that somebody posted the link to this thread. I decided to reread it and found the Cardinals line to be funny. If anybody's life was adversely affected by the bumping of this thread, please seek psychiatric help immediately.
hehe nice cakes. funny how some get so bent out of shape. i also find it funny that a guy is truely fired up about something and is attacked for being blah blah blah rather than consoled by those who should share his anger and distaste. i see nothing has changed.