We all want Darnold to progress and win games but would it not be super ironic for the Football Gods to grant the Deadskins a victory Sunday amid a sea of poor coaching decisions by Gase hehehe
Again, The Johnsons are in this to make money, not friends. As long as the Jets are profitable, winning is secondary. The Jets belong to the Johnson bros and they can do whatever the fuck they want with it. Its up to the fans to either accept it or move on. They're not selling a billion dollar enterprise that they don't really have to do anything except count the cash. Nobody would.
When they passed on the opportunity to finally give this team and its fans their own stadium, they showed their absolute disregard and derision for the fan base. The fans mean absolutely nothing to them, and winning doesn’t mean that much more Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
agreed...my jets patronage is strictly rubber necking at this point. I will never spend a dime on anything jets related but I will watch the franchise circle the drain for my own edification. My money goes for Vikings gear.
I'm a Jets fan for life....we all are (as much as we'd like to think otherwise every time we get pissed.) However, from now on I'll be doing my watching from the comfort of my living room, where the ability to painlessly transport myself away from a garbage performance is just a button push away.
They are just Corporate hacks bleeding the Sucker Fans ...Big Pharma at its worst without the FDA police Their big problem won't be filling seats lost from disgruntled Jet fans when the losing Seasons continue but whether Cowboy and opponents fans can make up the difference when they make a weekend trip to MetLife and watch their team beat us at home..smh
I posted it in the other thread, but the Jets currently have the second highest attendance in the league after the Cowboys. It might just be tickets sold though, not sure.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! They may be alienating the fanbase, but that fanbase is still watching games (and paying for it through cable and NFL Network) and buying Jet gear. They are making a fortune.
someone needs to change the thread title as it is completely wrong-----it should be past tense as in The Johnson Brothers have ALLIENATED or already Allienated
unless i misunderstand it, the salary cap and the team's share of the tv money are almost exactly matched. so, the players are paid by tv revenue. meaning that ticket, appareal, concessions, and parking revenue goes to the owners. they have to pay the headquarters expenses, stadium debt and expenses, coaching staff, scouts, traning camp expenses, etc. owners get what is left over. so, they don't want to pay 3 coaches in 2020 cause it lowers their profit. point is, not going to games, not buying nfl ticket, not buying team appearel, etc. will get to the owners only if a large enough number of people do it' having the majority of tickets bought by visiting team fans will embarass them in front of other owners if it gets large enough. it's like the cops having ticket quotas, but they are informal, not formal which could be illegal. the league stats showing how badfly the owners of certain teams are doing in terms of sales allows all owners to compare themselves to the rest of the club. bad publicity does effect any business, including this kind.. so, witholding your money spent will get some results if a large enough group of people do it. the planes and billborads are tools which can help convince people not to spend money as well as publically embarass the owners.
With this I think my interest is 100% done for this year. We've had some shitty luck but Gase has handled himself like a he's never coached professionally before. I can understand losing with the roster we have. However, he should be up there with more than an "uh, I don't know" vibe about himself when questioned on it. Well, I did this to my fucking self choosing this shitberg of a team to root for. J E T S MESS! MESS!! MESS!!!