Joe Namath: Jets seem more interested in headlines than winning

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jetzIII, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    Are Jets fans really this butthurt over his answer to a simple question? WOW! Get over it. Why can't anyone be critical of this franchise anymore?

    He also didn't say they were going to go 3-13. WTF?
  2. TampaJet

    TampaJet Member

    Nov 21, 2006
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    You guys are missing the point. Broadway Joe is bitter at the Jets because they told him to take a hike from promoting the team on a PAID basis. When he was getting paid he was calling the owner "Mr. Johnson". He was pumping up Mangini and Rex his first year. Once the cash wasnt coming to Joe he became very critical of the Jets.

    He was critical of Sanchez and noone wanted him around. He was left out when they were making there 2 afc championship runs and he is BITTER.
  3. BillyGreen

    BillyGreen Banned

    Aug 16, 2012
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    This isn't the first time Namath has dissed the team. He's done it pretty consistently.

    This the truth...

    If there is something negative to be said about the team, you or I can say it... BUT JOE NAMATH CANNOT! JOE NAMATH CANNOT SAY NEGATIVE THINGS ABOUT THE NEW YORK JETS, EVER! Joe Namath is a historical figure, and an ambassador of New York Jets history, he CANNOT say negative things about the team, NOT EVER!

    General Douglas McArthur could not say negative things about the U.S. Military. President Obama cannot say negative things about the United States of America. The Pope cannot say negative things about Jesus Christ. And Joe Namath CANNOT say negative things about The New York Jets... This is protocol, this is political, this is historic, this is FACT!
  4. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    I 100% agree with what he said. Woody is a businessman. If Woody is selling all his PSL's, I'm not sure he cares if the Jets win or not. The Jets could have drafted a OL, RB or WR with the pick they gave up for Tebow. As a result, they would have provided him with better protection and or weapons. If they believed in Mark, you don't take him off the field to run the wildcat/single wing/spread offense, whatever it will be. I think Woody wanted Tebow to sell PSL's. Just look at all the Tebow fans (not Jets fans) who quickly switched allegiance to watch him here. Hell, look no further than the Tebow chants against the Panthers.

    People will disagree, and that's fine. But to rip Joe for what is clearly a fair opinion is stupid.
  5. bobaru

    bobaru Banned

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Fair opinion, all right. And, accurate. I only differ in my solution.

    In short, it must be: Either play Sanchez, or commit to Tebow. You won't get the best of either player with anything short of this.

    EVERYONE will agree. Tebow's best is simply better than anything Sanchez can put together.
  6. soh_vet

    soh_vet Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2005
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    Fuck the haters. And by that I mean those rippin' Broadway. Namath FTW!

    Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2
  7. FriendlyGiantsFan

    FriendlyGiantsFan New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    He's not saying anything wrong and I don't think he's saying it out of bitterness. Namath cares about the team and he disagrees with the direction they are going in now. Can you honestly say there are no misgivings you have with the direction of the team?

    It's a fair critique to say Woody wants to sell tickets and not win games. The Jets have jumped on two big name, and flawed, QBs after their crosstown rivals won the Super Bowl. He has seen some questionable big names brought in underneath his stewardship. When the President was critical of the Jets QB situation he said "the President is a Jet fan" about 15 times in the 5 sentences he offered about it. It's a cynical view to take and it very well could be wrong; but it's also a view that has some merit.
  8. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Yeah, you guys sound like a bunch of whining pussies!
  9. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    Joe Namath is more interested in seeing himself in headlines.
  10. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    It's sad that there's one of these threads every other week now because Joe can't keep his mouth shut anymore. Both the Jets and Namath have been in the wrong at different points, unfortunately this nonsense is only hurting Joe's image with the younger fans.
    #70 NYJFan10, Aug 29, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2012
  11. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    It's not that...if anyone has the right to criticize the Jets when they deserve to be criticized it's Namath, or any other high-profile alum who wants the team to do well. Unfortunately he's taken it to such an extreme you have to question his motives. Sometimes less is more, he doesn't understand this or care.
    #71 NYJFan10, Aug 29, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2012
  12. BillyGreen

    BillyGreen Banned

    Aug 16, 2012
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    "Can you honestly say there are no misgivings you have with the direction of the team?"

    Can you honestly say there are no misgivings with the direction of 85 percent of all NFL teams in existence today?

    "It's a fair critique to say Woody wants to sell tickets and not win games."

    Think of the ridiculousness of that statement for a second... How can you sell tickets if you DON'T win games? Do you really think people will pay to see a superstar QB or any other group of players if the result is a 4-12 or 2-14 team year after year? The truth is, Woody wants to sell tickets AND WIN GAMES... Doesn't every owner?

    Joe Namath is OUT OF LINE. HE'S OUT OF LINE! Joe Montana isn't doing what he's doing. Troy Aikman isn't doing what he's doing. Jim Kelly isn't doing it. Bart Starr never did it. Johnny Unitas never did it. Dan Marino isn't doing it. Fran Tarkenton isn't doing it...

    Am I making any sense?
  13. BillyGreen

    BillyGreen Banned

    Aug 16, 2012
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    Sir, here is a list of HOF quarterbacks who have never done what Joe Namath is doing to his old team, a team that he is a historical ambassador of, as is/was all these men...

    Fran Tarkenton
    Norm Van Brocklin
    Sonny Jurgensen
    Len Dawson
    Joe Montana
    Jim Kelly
    Troy Aikman
    Sammy Baugh
    Roger Staubach
    Steve Young
    Otto Graham
    Y.A. Tittle
    Dan Fouts
    Terry Bradshaw
    Warren Moon
    John Elway
    Bobby Layne

    None of these men ever publically criticized their old team in the way that Joe Namath has and is doing. Namath knows what he's doing is wrong, and he should also know that he is marring his legacy by doing so.
  14. rico college

    rico college Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    How many time do we gave to go over this. That man won our only Superbowl and has earned the right to talk as much sh!t about this team as he likes.

    Who cares what former players of other teams do or don't do.

    I am a JETS fan. Period.
  15. FriendlyGiantsFan

    FriendlyGiantsFan New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    There's this thing called the Nirvana Fallacy and it applies to what you've said at first. The short and applied version of it is that just because other teams have doubts and/or concerns doesn't mean you are justified in dismissing doubts and/or concerns for your team.

    As for the second part, you're putting words in my I'm not saying Woody wants to lose games. I'm not saying he's doing everything he can to get the Jets a 4-12 record. I'm saying he's perfectly content with a 10-6 squad that garners more attention than any other team in the league. I don't have a high opinion of him and neither do several posters on this board. I'm not saying Woody wants to lose games, but I think he's quite happy to sell tickets and merchandise if the team is winning enough to sell aforementioned tickets and merchandise.

    Finally, why on earth are you mentioning what other QBs are doing? Besides the fact that you're just wrong about Fran Tarkenton never criticizing the Vikings (or Giants, for that matter), what do they matter?

    Here's what it boils down to; Joe Namath has balls and speaks his mind. That's what elevated him from a good QB to a legendary QB. That's what elevated his Super Bowl from a great upset to arguably the greatest upset. That's what brought the entire Jets team into prominence.

    Now you're on the other side of Joe's gall and you don't like it/don't seem to understand it. Joe Namath isn't Joe Montana, Bart Starr, Unitas, Kelly, or any other QB you care to mention. He's Joe Namath and what he did for the sport stands apart from the works of those QBs and is grander in what it did for the game. Understand the man you're talking about and ask yourself if there isn't even a modicum of truth in there that you can admit to yourself.
  16. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    He had a few not so nice things to say when the Vikings signed Favre.
  17. mattyd99

    mattyd99 Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2012
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    Bingo. Dead on with this man. As far as I'm concerned Joe is usually right with what he says. The guy tells the truth. It's good to see someone tell the truth instead of these sugar coated answers you always get in the media.
  18. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    How anyone can fault Namath for giving his opinion, WHEN ASKED, is beyond me.

    I worry about the same thing he does.
    He's a fan, and just as passionate as most of us.
  19. Kaeotik

    Kaeotik New Member

    Nov 18, 2008
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    I agree 100% Joe is pissed cuz he sees what we see. No different. He didn't go out of his way to say this stuff. HE WAS ASKED!! For Oprah's sake the Jets don't have a solid QB on their roster!!!
  20. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Very good post. That guy is crazy, and frankly kind of embarrassing. Joe can say what he wants.

    It is a legitmate concern about Woody Johnson's priorities. I do think that he's more concerned with headlines than any other owner.. That's not saying he doesn't want to win, just that he always wants to be talked about - win or lose.

    He's being a smart businessman, not necessarily a smart football owner. He's trying to make the New York Jets more than just your average football organization, almost like making the Jets a "brand." He's being successful at that too. The NYJ were 8-8 last season, but they were perhaps the most talked about team in the entire league throughout it and certainly have been by far all offseason... Most owners would probably be upset at finishing 8-8, but I'm inclined to believe Johnson feels it was a success anyway because his team, his brand, is EVERYWHERE.

    ESPN was at Jets camp every. single. day. this offseason. When was the last time a major media outlet dedicated that much coverage to ANY team, let alone an average football team? Eli Manning's comment about being the 3rd most talked about QB in his own city is completely true. Im sure YOU didn't forget your team won the superbowl, but the casual follower of the game might have, especially in NY.

    Even with all of this, he's lobbying for more headlines... lobbying the league to play on thanksgiving.. lobbying for london games.. Last night Just last night at the RNC Woody is asked about Tim Tebow and he says "I can't get enough of Tim Tebow.." AKA he loves being able to have his maid turn on the TV and see the pundits talking about Tebow and the Jets... He's not saying "tebow is a good acquisition but Rex tells me we all got a ways to go to take the next step this season" No. he's taking about headlines.

    Obviously I think Rex Ryan and Tannenbaum want to win, but their boss is the one calling the shots at the end of the day. Ideally, I think Johnson would love his team to garner headlines all season on the way to winning the superbowl... anyone would. Worst case scenerio they garner major headlines all the way to finishing in last place - but either way, in Johnson's world they ARE recieving major headlines no matter what, he's making sure of that.

    That is why Namath, and many Jets fans are concerned about the team priorities and why it is a legitimate concern.
    #80 BrowningNagle, Aug 30, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2012

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