Joe B on an Epic Rant..

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Cman69, Nov 27, 2023.

  1. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    You're fucking right I'm unhappy. Aren't you? Seriously? In damn near every thread there is some mention of Woody Johnson feeding us this shit show and the reason he continues to do so is because there are no repercussions to him. The ONLY repercussion being hitting him in the wallet. Which, I might add, is what gets fatter by the moment thanks to the numb nuts who are actually STUPID enough to continue to pander and fund this nightmare. To me, THAT is bizarre. Now that I think about it, you giving me a hard time about it is also bizarre.
  2. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Nah. If something makes me that unhappy as it appears you are, I don’t participate in it for much longer. The Jets are irritating and all but I’m not thoroughly enraged.
  3. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    'Watch the Jets try", hahaha. PAIN.
    typeOnegative13NY likes this.
  4. GREG

    GREG Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2007
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    JD did by not having a capable backup QB in case Rodgers got hurt. Having to rely on Wilson to be the starter was the worst-case scenario and it played out that way.
    Jetsfansince95 and tomdeb like this.
  5. red75bronco

    red75bronco Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    You mentioned Brissett, Minshew, and someone else in another thread. Why would a borderline starter/backup wan to co e okay behind Rodgers? If he is healthy, no chance of playing. Why wouldn’t they sign with Steelers or Tennessee, raiders, somewhere they have a chance of playing? I doubt any good backups are coming to NY.
    BrowningNagle likes this.
  6. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I’m not even that mad about Wilson at this point. Failure at oline and oc are the biggest failure to me. Rodgers would have gotten killed behind this line. And as bad as Wilson had been, and may just be a terrible qb, I’m not 100 percent convinced he wouldn’t have done better had they surrounded him properly. He had no oline and one wr.
    JetBlue and GREG like this.
  7. GREG

    GREG Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2007
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    True the OL is a big issue. If Rodgers is the starter next year like we all expect then they have to fix OL. JD can't fail here. Wilson probably isn't on the team next year so finding a decent backup QB and a WR #2 to compliment G. Wilson also needs to be done.
    typeOnegative13NY likes this.
  8. dawinner127

    dawinner127 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    The OL is a problem, but I think there needs to be some perspective on it when talking about how bad it is right now. I think we are getting 3 guys back this week so we hopefully we see an improvement there.

    This below was where the current starter ranked on the depth chart at the start of the season.

    LT - 3rd string
    LG - 1st string
    C - 2nd string
    RG - 5th string
    RT - 3rd string

    Not many teams would be able to handle that type of carnage up front.
    typeOnegative13NY likes this.
  9. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    I’m not trying to question those guys integrities or desire to play, but sometimes these guys might not be dying for the opportunity to play. Or let me rephrase - it might not be the only factor in where they sign.
  10. JetDan

    JetDan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2008
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    I can confirm I have neither whips, chains, or a rack in my basement.

    I enjoy going to the games with my Dad and Brother. The game is one part of the overall experience. I like spending time with my family, and no we aren't getting hammered.

    Also, if we stopped going to games- Woody Johnson would still be a billionaire and the team would still suck.
    Jonathan_Vilma likes this.
  11. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Money motivates

    They also could see a good opportunity with an old, injury prone QB. They come in, Rodgers gets hurt, they could play well and take the job over long term.
    Acad23 likes this.
  12. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    This sounds nice. Unfortunately my dad jumped ship years ago (old man wisdom I guess) and my brother wasn't a football fan growing up and has shrewdly avoided committing to the Jets even though he's a fan now.
  13. red75bronco

    red75bronco Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    I just don’t see it happening. Brock osweiler was Mannings backup in Denver after manning came back from an almost career ending neck injury. QBs like Rodgers, Manning just down have solid backups. You get roookies
  14. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    That was my thought as well.

    If there's a spot I'd want to be as a motivated 2nd tier QB... It's behind a QB who's aging out.
  15. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    I'm not sure if you know everything about PSL's, but once you buy that PSL, you are forced to buy season tickets every year. It is basically having a financial gun pointed at your head every year. Not very many people have the ability to just walk away from a PSL and let the Jets keep all their money, others are not willing to do so.

    I walked away from them, let them keep my money, and haven't been back to the stadium since game one of 2017. And I only went to that game because I had promised a friend I would go when he was in town. Gave up the tickets after 2016, so I agree with you. But you can't wonder why people keep going. They are forced to. Of course they have the option to sell, which is why half the stadium is usually fans of the other team, but that's a different discussion.
  16. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    When they first came out, it was billed as an investment because you have first rights to those seats for other events.

    Ever see any benefit from that? Or was that just a lie?

    if you had the license to a seat you could sell the Taylor Swift for example tickets at a profit, those are your seats first. Doubt it played out like that though
    stinkyB likes this.
  17. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Exactly right. No benefit whatsoever. In fact, it was easily the biggest scam ever perpetrated upon New York sports fans, maybe sports fans anywhere.

    We didn't really know better back then, seemed like a great idea. In 2010 the Jets were good, they seemed like they were on the rise, maybe we finally turned a corner and we're going to be good for a while, why not get some seats that we could pass on to the kids and they could sell? Words like condominium and timeshare were passed around.

    The reality was twofold. One, the Jets almost immediately became a joke again. And two, they had to split the benefits with the Giants, but everybody paid full price.

    By 2016, the start of the really lean years, it was obvious that they weren't even worth the paper they were printed on. People had taken out loans and were paying interest on these things. If memory serves, it was something like 12%. Possibly more depending on credit.

    That's when I gave mine up, because at the end of that season, tickets were going for single digits on the second hand markets, the Jets were begging people to come to the stadium with incentives for free concessions, two for one kind of deals, and when the season-ticket holders had the nerve to squawk, they were, in a nutshell, told too bad, you already paid. I had paid for my tickets in full, I got the cheap PSL's, and wasn't willing to have a battering ram shoved up my ass for the rest of my life, so I literally just told them to shove the tickets up their asses and walked away. Not a lot of people are in position to do that.

    So the fans that had tickets since the Shea Stadium days were now held at gunpoint to continue buying season tickets every year, and the Jets could raise prices at will, threaten to take the PSL away if you didn't buy the season tickets, so people just took it. Not much choice.

    As for the benefit of a concert, let's say Taylor Swift was in Friday and a dog rodeo was in on Sunday. They alternated shows. The Giants fans might get Taylor Swift, the Jets fans could end up with the dog rodeo. Meanwhile everyone paid full price, huge scam, absolutely disgusting rip off of loyal people.

    The seats themselves may not have been the reason that the Jets rarely have a full crowd of Jets fans, but they played a big part. People had to sell their tickets to make some money back, who the hell wants to go all the way out to MetLife if you're a loyal fan from Long Island, in December when it's cold, to see the Jets play The jaguars? Or the Titans? Very exciting teams.

    Full circle, there is no possibility the seat licenses will ever be sold for a profit like it was portrayed. Not unless the Jets get so good, so consistent, and become a powerhouse for a number of years, and even then, it's unlikely people would get the money they paid. My cheap tickets were $2500 per seat, most others are 5000 or 10,000, with some of them being as high as, if I'm not mistaken, six digits in the middle of the stadium.

    Fans basically bought a second home ( when factoring in multiple seats) to sit and watch the Jets play and that home collapsed, giving them no way to recoup their money.

    Sorry for the rambling response, but this still makes me furious seven years later.
    #37 The_Darksider, Dec 1, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2023
  18. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    "Dog rodeo," huh? Is this where the expression "screwing the pooch" came from?
    mezzavo and The_Darksider like this.
  19. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Probably. It's a pretty good representation of the polar opposite of Taylor Swift, so I went with it.

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