Powell and Hill have scheduling conflicts with what, masturbation!? Also fuck Ganaway, unless his wife is expecting a child or something like that.
The ESPN spoof is funny, not full blown old school National Lampoon but pretty good for a sports network. You would expect new guys to jump at the opportunity.
basically if holmes doesn't show the media can/ will pick at it like a scab until holmes or sanchez slips up and says something that is either ill willed or can be misconstrued as ill willed.then the perception that there was still a problem will become the reality that there is a problem
When you take something that should be low key and announce it to the world like it is a big deal, then it will be treated that way. Of course the media is going to dig to find out who's going and pick at those that don't. It's what the media does. This happens when you do something that isn't that big of a deal and you treat it like it is, the media will jump on it as if it is a big deal. I do think it's good that they are doing it, but why advertise it? The Jets just try too hard to prove to the media and fans that they are this really together team, when it seems like they are trying to convince themselves. Lots of teams have informal positional get togethers that never make it to a newspaper or blog at all or until AFTER they happen.
Seems to me that rookies, and in particular players that are trying to brake into the starting line up should jump at the chance. I am very disappointed that someone like Ganaway would decline for such a simplistic reason. Same goes for Bidal and Hill although we dont know what the schedule conflict is. You can take your wife with you to the West Coast and spend the evenings together. Football is his new profession , he should jump at the chance to work with his starting QB
Holmes confirmed he will be attending Jets West. Check his twitter Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk 2
interesting who he "@" in his tweet and who he left out. wonder if it was just in response to people who asked him, or something else... good to hear he'll be there.
I can see it now "Holmes to attend Jets West. Doesn't mention Tebow in Twitter announcement" Damn you media Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk 2
thought this was a good read I found on Jets West camp. http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/jets...Svqm0iL3BOXJO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Jets
Good read. I'm glad to see Holmes and Hill out there. Hill seems like a great kid who works hard. Every impression of him I have had so far has been real positive and while I think he can do big things for us I really don't know what to expect of him. Hopefully everyones getting some timing down with Mark and working out some deep passes with Tebow.