Real Conservatives...interesting...who exactly pointed you the arbiter? The fact is you see/or read into what you wish. And, the Bush Doctrine, is fairly sound....When the snake starts to slither out of the tall's best to cut it's head off, long before it has a chance to bite you. (Norman Podhoretz WWIV is a brilliant treatise on the subject)...however... Reducing an argument about a particular Nation State showing the early signs of bellicosity, and it's connection to a quest for world ideological domination to one of geography, kind of misses the point. As far as would the same thing happen 20 years earlier? Hardly. Of course I've considered that. 20 years, we could have been aworrying about inspections in IRAN...rather than playing footsie with Hussein. Cutting off Syria and Hezbollah, from the IRG 20 years earlier, might have made Arafat deal more honestly during the Clinton administration. And more importantly..After 1996, Bill Clinton would never have let a pacified Iraq disintegrate into chaos, like Obama did. One only needs to look at how ruthless he was with Milosovic, without even putting boots on the ground. And...He was acually ready to, at the time Yugoslavia capitulated. Interventionism...not so much. And especially not what passes for it today. The Hutu and Tutsis or the Rawandan Genocide, should not have been permitted in a civilized world... Nor should failed states that wind up being run by Warlords (Somalia). That's not interventionism. That's draining the swamp. And lastly..lets agree to disagree peaceably...
9-11 wasn't a threat? Anthrax scares weren't a threat? ISIS camps in the US aren't a threat? You sir are a moron.
Isn't this a BS thread by now? I'll try to bring it back home: who gives a shit? Honestly, who gives a shit if the team was paid to honor armed forces members? Is it unethical? They get paid to support everything else they support.
It's just friggin advertising. No it is not unethical... Good Call Mo. (plus I'm tired of arguing modern history...;-) )
9/11? Nope. Zero threat to my freedom. Anthrax? You're suggesting my freedom was threatened by anthrax? That's laughable. ISIS camps in America. Please. In either case, the military did nothing. You are simply an idiot. Go sign up for the military. They need more weak brainwashed sheep like you.