I got the Knicks and Islanders confused. He wouldn't have been allowed into an Islanders game without proof of vaccination. "The New York Islanders announced that the capacity at Nassau Coliseum will increase to 12,000 fans for each home game of the NHL playoff series against the Boston Bruins. Following New York State guidelines, all fans must provide proof of full vaccination, with final vaccine dose administered at least 14 days before game day". He's 100% been vaccinated for a while and only said 'no comment' because Zach Wilson didn't want to make any of his unvaccinated teammates stand out etc. I'm done with this vaccination talk not a topic of discussion I enjoy just one last question. If Cam Newton was willing to take the shot, would you then want him as a veteran backup thereafter? Because he went 7-8 behind a crap NE offense with no WRs and no TEs.
The Islanders allotted sections of the stadium for vaccinated and for unvaccinated. The citation you gave was misleading as proof was only required to sit in the vaccinated section. https://www.usnews.com/news/sports/...slanders-to-have-fully-vaccinated-fan-section Here is the article you cited from. Note it said to sit in fully vaccinated sections. https://www.nhl.com/islanders/news/...-to-each-home-game-against-bruins/c-325057478
Pretty surprising one here IMO. Fulgham looked good for the Eagles last year. I imagine someone will claim him.
Cam Newton is NOT awesome. You couldn't be more wrong about that. He has never been that accurate or that smart. Also saying that once can't sign an awesome QB due to Covid is wrong and silly. All it takes is for the dumbass to get vaccinated and then he could be signed. He's preventing himself from getting signed, and he probably caused himself to get cut from NE because he's such a freaking dumbass. You do realize that if a team has a bunch of player go down with Covid, they have to forfeit and every single player on both teams loses a paycheck, don't you? Any player or coach refusing to get vaccinated should be run out of the NFL.
I didn't look him up or how he has done in the NFL. I just remembered that he was very highly rated when he was in the draft and a number of posters here wanted the Jets to draft him.
I wouldn't hold my breath on Mullens. The Jets had 2-3 months to sign him before TC and didn't. Why should now be any different? If memory serves me correctly, his career completion percentage is around 55%. No thanks. I'd rather roll with White or Morgan.
The reports are Cam got released because he cant accept being a backup. That clearly makes him a bad choice for us with Zach. Here is the thing about vaccinations and the NFLs rules for them. As we look around the league it is continually the vaccinated that bring the virus into the compound and infect others. Yet they don't have to wear masks or be tested everyday while the unvaccinated do. Also, the vaccinated don't have to be tested on gameday, while the unvaccinated do. The real danger of spreading COVID is the NFL rules, not vaccination status.
it's possible or maybe they weren't happy with white and morgan and changed their mind. I agree its doubtful but you never know. foles would be a great vet presence for wilson though. I mean he won a SB MVP
I would LOVE Foles, but someone posted that there's no chance the Bears will release Foles because of the huge cap hit they'd take. We'd have to trade for him, and he wouldn't come cheaply.
Ok but if 99% are vaccinated then Cam Newton as 1% who's not can't force us to miss games, right? At the end of the day he'd make for an awesome backup and you cant name 5 backups with his NFL production over the years.
The no vax stance is the only reason (well, maybe ridiculous money demands) I wouldn't look to put Newton on the team.
So the Bears keep him on the roster as an inactive each week? Spending some money is not our issue right now.
their o-line is trash and they don't seem to have to any interest in playing fields this year. It's likely foles is the emergency QB and winds up playing if dalton goes down