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Discussion in 'Game Threads' started by Petrozza, Sep 27, 2009.
OMG, what a time for such an awful kick.
whoops... meant to make it transparent. There we go.
WTF is it with our kickers ????? 20 yard bleeping punt ?
can we finish this game already pleaseeeeeeeeee
cmon mouton!!!!
So many dumb people.
i could've punted it that far.
We can't fuckn punt. AERGH
Did hodges punt that?
Wow, what was that punt all about?
waste of fat, actually.
Fuck chris Johnson.
Come on, defense!
Nice punt you asshole.
shittiest punt ever
What a fucking horrible punt.
NOthing!!!! Man up d!!!!
CJ scares me so much as soon as he passes the LOS.
Two more of those please.
some people just don't get it, this is not Madden 10.