When it's 3rd and 15+ let's stop sending the house. Thats at least the 10th fucking time a team has converted on a 3rd and a million yards this season
BS.. D did everything in their power to have the Steelers score. That was pathetic. Refs had nothing to do with that,,,, every third down Pitt made and laughed at the Jets while doing it.
You guys thought the refs wouldn't be partial to Dan Rooney, the guy who thinks skin-color should be a factor in choosing coaches but not players ? Did you guys see the Miami-Pitt game ?
I almost feel like turning this fukin game off.... How the fuk are they just given 1st downs? It's like they want you to challenge, for what? So we can use them up? And how the fuk does a 19th string TE catch a TD @ the goalline? Where are you defending?
Ironic. All the times Rex has challenged for the spot, he does not challenge the one he would have won.
nobody cares the Beatles are on Itunes, we have all there songs for free already...we're not going to pay to have them again
Actually we did stop one - without a generous spot, and the other who knows becuase the refs gave them a first down when it wasn't one.
werd. blame rex and his supposed genius defense. the guy is clown and doesnt know how to coach, just all bark. this defense is one of the worst in the league.