Sanchez is dumber than a box of fucking ROCKS! Why does he NOT take the sack or even TRY to throw the fucking ball... Fucking POS.
Mark needs to learn when to stop pushing for something when its not there. There was no reason to let that ball out. Tuck it in take the sack. At the same time. This offensive line is in shambles.
You've got an extra tackle and nobody picks ups the outside blitz? Sanchez doesn't see it? What the fuck people.
i don't know how any jet fan can watch this game and not be disgusted by how predictable Sanchez' poor performance is.
this fucking team is PATHETIC. I NEVER EVER EVER thought i'd say this, but EVERYONE needs to go. I loved Rex and all his bravado, but we have been reduced to a joke these past two years. We need to get a serious no nonsense coach and GM in here and just start fresh. Its soo depressing to say it, but it's so obvious!!! PS NICE FUCKING TACKLE!!!!!!!!!!
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