Fuck you Dierdorf you old douchebag. Why is it just about Rex's lack of faith in Smith on that third and long? Does it have nothing to do with the fact that the offensive line has looked like a turnstile so far?
Why do we always start out looking decent/good on the first drive or two and then stop being able to move the ball for the entire rest of the game? Happens all the time going back to the Sanchez years.
The fact that we got the ball back has nothing to do with it. I have eyes. We all saw salas cause the fumble. But powell has to fall on that, bottom line Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
You're joking right? you cant be fucking serious right? YOU'RE NOT EVEN WATCHING THIS O-LINE RIGHT!? Get that shit out of here dude
What'd he do wrong today? One bad throw? Borderline illegal forward pass? He can't do shit if the offensive coordinator neglects to running the ball and using the wildcat and then asking him to throw 3rd and long when the D expects it. Don't even get me started on the protection.