Schottenheimer thinks that Chad is still behind canter. Every big play we've made so far has been on Favre improvisation. Schott blows.
the jets need to fucking fire schottenheimer. I'm so fucking tired of this shit playcalling. They have completely abanadoned the run at this point.
Just when you think there is a chance of a good season, its good to see we have another couple of months of utter fail to look forward to. 23 years (for me at least) of folllowing a fail team. Fuck this, I am changing my alleginace to the [insert name at end of season when I see who looks most likely to win]
if not for the missed FG we'd just be down a TD now instead of 10, which is stating the obvious, but still, 1 score is a hell of a lot better than 2. theres still a whole other quarter left as well as what's remaining in the third.
i wonder whats going through schottys head.. (1st &10-HB off-tackle,2nd &7 HB Toss, 3rd &8, 3 yard screen, 4th and 5, graham shank).. rinse and repeat