Jets vs Pats Draft Analysis

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Joe Willie White Shoes, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Sure but why let facts get in the way of a cool story? It never stops patfantx
  2. patfanken

    patfanken Banned

    May 6, 2007
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    Now i understand where your misconception lies, BB. Stealing signals has NEVER been illegal in the NLF. Filming signals in the NFL was NEVER illegal. Everyone was free to do it....and did. The ONLY thing the Pats were guilty of was Filming signals from the sidelines which the league banned after the 2006 season. And had nothing to do with any of the Super Bowl wins

    IF you persist in sticking to your erroneous position after the simple facts are presented to you, then you are either obligated to present a different set of facts that support your position, OR admit that you are just a hater, or worse, a fan that knows the truth and just likes to push Pats fans' buttons. :wink:
  3. patfanken

    patfanken Banned

    May 6, 2007
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    That's just BS. Not once in any of your posts have you presented a SINGLE documented fact that supports the libelous statement you made above. NOT ONE.

    All you do is repeat the same lie over and over again. You are either truly delusional, OR you are just trying to irritate Pats fans. BTW- If its the worked.
  4. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    You're right, it had nothing to do with the sb wins. That's why they kept doing it for years. Kinda like me. I sell heroin, I don't make any money from it but I'm going to continue doing it cus I can.

    The second part of your post is comical coming from you.
  5. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    that's it. Very suspicious.

    I don't understand Patriots fans defending spygate with reference to "simple facts" that relate to something they've never seen and that no longer exists. The only facts I know with complete certainty, and no one here knows any different, is that rules were purposefully broken, the resulting fine was of unprecedented severity, and the evidence was purposefully destroyed.

    Does that conclusively prove "cheating" that should lead to lifetime bans and stripping of titles? Of course it doesn't. It couldn't possibly (which is fairly convenient for the NFL and Patriots fans). But it is a very odd set of circumstances, which, in the absence of proof to the contrary (which is not the same as an argument about the ability or efficacy to use stolen signals) sets up a presumption that something serious was afoot. Where you go with that presumption is up to you, and obviously colored by which team you root for.
  6. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    pat/ken, no disrespect, but what are you, 12? Stop stamping your feet.
  7. GoPats

    GoPats Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2009
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    Maybe that's a perception that's out there, but once something like Spygate happens, it's hard to take a piss without someone questioning it.

    Adams has been linked to Belichick pretty much everywhere he's been. He's kind of like his right hand man and his personal football guru. Halberstam, who wrote the book on Belichick (literally), calls him "Belichick's Belichick."

    Supposedly he was instrumental in coming up with the gameplan in the first SB against the Rams (deciding that the way to disrupt their offense wasn't to go after Warner, but actually Faulk). He's the one who heads up advanced scouting, organizes film for players/positions, and is basically the man behind the curtain in NE.

    And he looks like Poindexter from "Revenge of the Nerds."
  8. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    The league rules against video taping was in effect before the 06 season. A memo went out reenforcing it in 06. It was illegal before that memo went out. NFL policy has always been about fair play. The Pats were punished for essentially spying on opponents to gain an edge. The punishment was unprecedented in NFL history.

    Your simply either missing the point or intentionally lying.

  9. OUR erroneous position?!

    Stop playing trial attorney & be realistic.

    If there is no tort or legal wrong w/ the NFL framework for such activity why such a harsh punishment? Surely if this type of activity was so widespread and accepted within NFL inner circles, the league's compliance division would have downplayed the hefty acquisations & essentially swept it under the rug,no? That didn't exactly happen did it? And judging by the horde of opposing players & coaches who were taken back by the evidence..this theory of no negligence or wrongdoing is simply frivilous & laughable.You can backtrack & rationalize all you want. It was unethical, immoral & compromised the innocent spirit of competition that NFL football is supposed to represent.

    You still haven't answered the questions about the radio tapping. Long before Mangini blew the whistle teams like Jax & Tennesse raised suspicions to the media concerning issues within their 2 way radio's at gillette. When spygate hit their was all kinds of evidence surfacing regarding that. So much so that the NFL had to monitor/regulate all 2 way communications at Gillette for the remainder of the season. If you ask..that's 100 times worse than amateur video hour. Bottom line is the Patriots took espionage to an unethical level..they suffered direct punitive damages as sanctioned by the league & now they suffer indirect punitive measures from NFL fans/media everywhere. Does the punishment fit the crime? Damn right it does.
  10. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Patfanken is like the donkey who doesn't believe Kevin bacon was in footloose
  11. strngplyr

    strngplyr Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2010
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    Who cares about Spygate, New England is 64-16 since, has made 4 trips to the playoffs (missing a 5th by being only the 2nd team in league history to go 11-5 and miss the playoffs), and appeared in 2 Superbowls. The only thing that has kept New England from winning those two Super Bowls is lacking a run game in the playoffs, having too good of a deepthreat that the OL couldn't block long enough for, and then not having a deep threat at all and the OL not blocking long enough for someone to open up underneath.

    The Jets still haven't claimed a division title since 2002.
    #411 strngplyr, May 25, 2012
    Last edited: May 25, 2012
  12. How many rings since spygate for the Braves...I mean..Patriots?
  13. strngplyr

    strngplyr Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2010
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    Is New England supposed to win the SB every year? It's been 5 seasons. There are 32 teams. 12 make the playoffs every season. Show me a team who wins the SB once every 5 seasons, New England has at least made it back twice. ...the Jets?
  14. PatsFanTX

    PatsFanTX Banned

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Were you even born 43 years ago?
  15. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    What does one have to do with the other?
  16. Really? With how arrogant NE fans tend to be I thought anything less than a championship in any season was sacreligious. Now all of a sudden you'll settle for an appearance every 5 years? Really?

    You're essentially making our point. Before spygate this type of talk would be considered "below" patriot fans. But since the tainted notions came to the surface for the world to see, now all of a sudden just making the playoffs & having a good regular season is good enough.

    The Jets? Well the Jets haven't had their time in the sun just yet. Maybe they never will..who knows. But one thing is for certain. If/when the day finally comes when the football gods shine down on the Jets, it will be honest, hard earned & genuine....the Patriots Dynasty..?
  17. We're not talking about the Jets. We're talking about your Patriots. The Jets don't apply to this discussion b/c they unfortunately haven't had the success the patriots have had..and have never been sanctioned for espionage.
  18. SienaSaints

    SienaSaints Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
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    Patsfantx is a moron. Plain and simple. He does not have intelligence and his only argument is that the Jets haven't won a Super Bowl. Unfortunately for us he is right but he cannot live on past success for that long. Its almost been 10 years since the Pats last SuperBowl win.
  19. strngplyr

    strngplyr Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2010
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    My point is that how can you give 100% of the success of the previous superbowls to "cheating" when the team is still winning 12+games per season and in the playoffs every year with a legitimate shot at the SB? They lost the previous two Superbowls by a combined 7 points to the only team in the NFL that has consistently given their offense fits in recent history.

    No team has won as many games or appear in the playoffs as often since Spygate and only 2 other teams have appeared in multiple Super Bowls
  20. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Hightower is awesome. No two ways around it.

    This pick scares me alot more than chandler jones simply because its a safe pick.

    Jones could end up being a sack artist with a long career.

    He could also end up as a solid but underwhelming achiever.

    Hightower on the other hand, will be a contributor from day one. Guaranteed. If Jones develops and fulfills his hype in the next 2 or 3 years their only weakness will be DL. With wilfork nearing his end.

    I expect McCourty to find a happy medium between rookie phenom and pure garbage he was last year.

    That leaves the safeties as a coin toss.

    As far as the Jets go I honestly think this was our best draft in a long time. I see long time contributors in our first three rounds in Coples, Hill, Davis. Ironically I think Coples is the least safe pick of the three. Then again I see Coples in the mold of Richard Seymour potential. A good 3-4 DE or 4-3 DT who can control gaps in the run game and generate a pass rush with the occasional sack.

    Hills potential speaks for itself, hell he'd have been a top 15 or 20 pick if he played somehwere where the ball is thrown. Not to mention he had some of the worst qb play while at GT.

    Davis, I dubbed as having some the best leadership skills in this draft. Not just intangibles, he's a sideline to sideline RB eliminator who leads by example with the athleticism to develop into a pass rusher. Not to mention he can play 3-4 ILB or 4-3 OLB. Some would even say he's better suited for the 4-3 which makes the flexibility of DL like Coples/Wilkerson and the addition of Dunbar (traditionally a 4-3 dl coach) all the more interesting.

    I also think Allen and Bush both pleasantly suprise to shore up the safety spot. I've seen more. Of Bush than Allen in college, so naturally I expect more from Bush. Specifically since he's the only ballhawk we've had at safety since Rhodes left.

    Gannaway will put up numbers in this offense and will be a steal. A good rotational back who's a tough runner with solid vision and good hands.

    Now this might seem like an overly positive assessment. But like I said I haven't been this happy about a draft class since Revis was drafted.

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