SixFeetDeep, you are the reason I don't take these boards seriously, nor any Jets fans. Just complete, unintelligent human beings that can't have an argument without flaming utterly retarded comments.
No, the mods on these boards have my avatar pic saved on their computer and thought it would be funny if they changed it to my avatar pic. They/he/she is just immature and just wanted to hide the real fact that they are homosexual.
I was thinking the same thing!! I am ashamed that guy represents Pats Fans on this board... Unless one of the Mods changed his picture then that's not cool either...
you think i was looking for any reaction other than that? you are the reason this board sucks. go back to your brady cock slobbering lovefest on whatever retard patriots board you came from. thanks
Judging from your 1st post, you set yourself up for failure. Pretty unreasonable to come here with your chest puffed out like a flaming bag of douche, only to expect us to welcome you with open arms.
Please try and use correct grammar when typing. The reason these boards suck is because no one tried to have a debate/argument with me without being 100% biased and flaming me. Thats the real reason. I'm sure I actually brought some humor to these boards, and am not the reason they suck. You my friend, are the reason these boards suck. Scik, I wasn't expecting open arms. Just a debate to prove my points wrong without being 100% biased and flaming me lol.
Define "educated debate" then? I stated some facts, while some of your members are calling me a cock slobbering Tom Brady lover. Surely you guys are educated! /sarcasm I pity the intelligence on this forum. Lost cause if you ask me.
Please try to use correct punctuation and word choice when typing. There should have been a comma after the "me" and before the "lol." There should also have been an apostrophe in "that's." There are Pats fans who are accepted (or, at least, tolerated) around here, and there's a reason why they don't catch as much shit in a year as you've caught in four hours.
I'm trying to have a reasonable discussion with you. I asked you why you omitted the Browns from the list of bad teams that we barely got by and you ignored my post. I then asked you to reason out your claim that we'd make excuses on Tuesday if the Patriots win, while you yourself are currently using one of those same excuses to downplay the Jets recent victories. It seems a bit hypocritical and I just wanted some clarification there. Again, you ignored my post. Actually, your original post in this thread was inflammatory in nature and you're choosing only to respond to posts from Jets fans which are also inflammatory in nature. You didn't come here to have a reasonable discussion, you came here to beat your chest about your awesome Pats and talk down to Jets fans. In return you got shat on. Seems like a fair trade-off.