Hahaha Cimini channeling his inner Frank Isola and going after a beat writer: Rich Cimini @RichCimini 3m Sanchez still in. Let's blame Idzik. #sarcasm #Jets This tweet is aimed at Mehta I think
Yeah. Vut in a rwal game, theu take 3 at the end of the half. So, without the 7 he threw away, he led them to 30 points. Curb your unenthusiasm. And a handful of long pass plays, again..
Hers my question, consodering the chemistry Sanchez has with Edwards, why is Gates running woth the ones?
Im always an advocate of taking NFL legacy kids, the odds are pretty good. You have to wonder why he is buried on the chart...though, he could be putting Sackelroy on unemplyment right now.
Why does it seem every other QB on this team is better than Sanchez and yet none are ever given a chance to take over no matter how bad we play?