Last week's game was such a trainwreck you couldn't help but stay glued to the TV and laugh. This week's game has improved to merely too boring to watch.
You want him to pass it where only hill has a shot, but you also want him to take chances... can't have it both ways. In all reality that was just as good as him throwing it away. Get off of his back.
Its like this coaching staff has no idea how to use him. I believe this falls on Rex even tho people want to absolve him. He is so focused on his defense he doesn't realize scoring wins games.
I don't want to ruin your game experience today, but unless we play better, there will be much of the same.
Easy nuthugger. I was merely pointing out what happened on the play. Did you want me to say the pass was spot on? I hope Mark plays great today. Get his balls out of your mouth.
Cringing? I'm hoping Sanchez throws 10 interceptions and is finished. We nee to move on with this Charade. Go Jacksonville!
Yeah - because hoping these boards won't be flooded by SOJ fans like yourself is crazy. Nice language by the way.
I actually like these 2 but today, the announcers seem so disinterested. Making shit up on the fly :lol:
The sad part is with 10m INT's today, he would be starting at Tennessee next week. I'll be there giving him hell the whole game. Fucking loser that he is.